The Students’ Union exercises supervision over the various groups involved in the public activities of the University. The Students’ Union exercises this right of supervision in accordance with the regulations approved by the Assembly of Delegates and approved by the Rector. Where the primary purpose of such groupings is to represent the interests of international students at Semmelweis University, they shall be supervised by the Vice-Rector for International Studies, subject to the same rules governing their registration and suspension.

The tasks of the Students’ Union in this regard are described in Section I.1 of the Organizational and Operational Regulations of Semmelweis University. It is contained in Section 125 of its part.

The current regulations accepted by the Assembly of Delegates and the Rector is aviable here.

The Students’ Union maintains a public register of self-active groups for university citizens, a list of which is available on this site.
The application form for registration can be found at the bottom of the page.

Instruktor Öntevékeny Csoport (IÖCS)

Website     Facebook     Instagram

Budapest Medical Students’ Association (BMSA)

Website     Facebook     Instagram     LinkedIn

Magyar Gyógyszerészhallgatók Egyesülete (HuPSA)

Website     Facebook     Instagram

Magyar Fogorvostanhallgatók Egyesülete (MFHE)

Facebook     Facebook Group

International Semmelweis Student Association (ISSA)

Website     Facebook     Instagram

Deutschsprachige Studentenvertretung Semmelweis (DSVS)

Website     Facebook     Instagram

I’m registering a self-active group

    Does the self-acting group use the help of an associated company when organizing events? [required]