Budapest Medical Students’ Association (BMSA) is a non-governmental, non-profit medical student organization which is one of the biggest on Semmelweis University. This means that we are completely run and organized by medical students only. BMSA has more than 500 members, making it one of the largest associations at the university. Previously, BMSA has largely been organized and made available to Hungarian students only. However, this year we are working very hard to involve students of the English and German programs as well! The international students have been underrepresented at Semmelweis thus far, in terms of having a student organization which they can be a part of. BMSA feels that it is important to bridge the gap between the Hungarian, English and German programs to provide opportunities to more medical students as well as to offer help to more people.

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'inst_location' =>
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'icon' => 'fa-map-marker',
'title' => 'Address',
'inst_phone' =>
array (
'icon' => 'fa-phone',
'title' => 'Phone',
'inst_fax' =>
array (
'icon' => 'fa-fax',
'title' => 'Fax',
'inst_email' =>
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'icon' => 'fa-envelope-o',
'title' => 'E-mail',
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.