SE Clinic for Traumatology

Before registering for the TDK subject on Neptun students need to contact

Dr. Kocsis András Bernát
  • Results of treatment of non-reconstructable femoral neck fractures in the elderly (Comparison of cervico-capital prosthesis, complete prosthesis and double screwing)
  • Use of a novel type of trochanter nails in the repair of trochanteric fractures in the elderly (Retrograde comparison with previous implants)
  • Treatment of acetabulum fractures in the elderly: new, innovative primary, bone uniting and prosthetic implant or conventional solution? (a severe issue in the treatment of elderly acetabulum fractures)
Dr. Koczka Dániel
  • Use of absorbable, screw and compression-type implants in the treatment of unstable metacarpal fractures (meta-analysis between existing metal implants and resorbable options)

Budapesti Dr. Manninger Jenő Baleseti Központ

Before registering for the TDK subject on Neptun students need to contact Dr. Nardai Gábor at

Dr. Kassai Tamás, Dr. Varga Marcell
  • Modern techniques in pediatric trauma care

Uzsoki Utcai Kórház

Before registering for the TDK subject on Neptun students need to contact

Dr. de Jonge Róbert 
  • The effect of anterior cruciate ligament replacement on the devellopement of knee osteoarthritis
Dr. Máté Miklós
  • The role of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the development of osteoarthritis
Dr. Keszég Miklós
  • Septic complications in Orthopedics and Traumatology