TOPIC Prosthodontic perspective of mandibular reconstruction methodologies. VISION Patients undergoing mandibular reconstruction receive the best possible dental prosthetics. MISSION Providing evidence-based guidelines that optimize mandibular reconstruction. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the success rate and safety of primary and secondary implantation in patients undergoing mandibular reconstruction: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating the safety …

TOPIC Control of fear memories and management of dental anxiety. VISION Less anxious patients in the dental office. MISSION Providing data for policymakers to create guidelines. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the efficacy and safety of herbal preparations on anxiety in patients undergoing dental treatment: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating the oral health …

TOPIC Novel approaches in conventional orthodontics. VISION Orthodontics as a pleasant treatment option for patients. MISSION Identifying the safest and most effective techniques for accelerated tooth movement. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the effectiveness and safety of micro-osteoperforations in accelerated orthodontics: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating the stability and survival of fixed retainers …

TOPIC The value of digital technologies in orthognathic surgery. VISION Best orthognathic surgery outcome by virtual planning. MISSION Find the best surgical planning approach/strategy/protocol. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the effectiveness of Patient-Specific Implants over Splints in Orthognathic Surgery: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating the Effectiveness of Fully Digital Occlusion Planning over Physical …

TOPIC Correlations of Temporomandibular Disorders with body position and posture. VISION Improve diagnostic accuracy and quality of treatment for Temporomandibular Disorder patients. MISSION Exploring physiotherapeutic interventions for the management of Temporomandibular Disorders in affected patients. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the prevalence rate of Forward Head Posture among patients with Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review and …

TOPIC Oral health of patients with eating disorders. VISION Improve recovery rates for patients with eating disorders. MISSION Assess oral cavity differences between patients with and without eating disorders. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the prevalence of oral conditions in patients with and without eating disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Comparing the …

TOPIC Exploring the Spectrum of Oral Disorders in Different Autoimmune Diseases. VISION Better overview on the course of Sjögren’s syndrome. MISSION Reducing the severity of symptoms in Sjögren’s syndrome. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the Prevalence of Oral Disorders in Sjögren’s Syndrome: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating the Prevalence of Oral Disorders in …

TOPIC Investigating alternative methods in caries prevention. VISION Better oral health using alternative methods. MISSION Exploring new strategies in caries prevention. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the effectiveness and safety of probiotics in preventing caries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating the effectiveness and safety of herbal oral care products in caries development: …

TOPIC Dental Management of Children with Special Needs. VISION All children in special care are smiling. MISSION Evaluating the effectiveness of alternative dental management for children with special needs. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the Effect of Alternative Distraction Techniques and Dental Environments for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating …

TOPIC New insights into the accuracy of fixed dentures. VISION Longer lasting dental restorations for patients. MISSION Exploring the ways to produce more accurate fixed dental prostheses. PROJECT TITLE 1 Comparing the accuracy of dental milling machines in fabricating fixed dentures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Comparing the accuracy of dental milling …

Evidence-based solutions for orthodontic acceleration.

Transforming orthodontics with effective, non-surgical solutions.

Delivering evidence-based solutions for orthodontic acceleration.

Investigating the effectiveness and safety of non-invasive accelerated orthodontic techniques: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Investigating the accuracy of AI-driven cephalometric analysis in orthodontics: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

TOPIC Dental anomalies and intervention strategies. VISION Setting the standard in dental anomaly management. MISSION Implementing evidence-based practices to address and correct dental irregularities. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the Safety and Efficacy of Open versus Closed Surgical Exposure of Impacted Maxillary Canines: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Evaluating the Effect of the Different …

TOPIC Investigating the Effectiveness of Different Intraoral Scanners. VISION Highly accurate dental restorations. MISSION Advancing the precision, efficiency, and accessibility of intraoral scanning. PROJECT TITLE 1 Comparing Efficiency of Intraoral Scanning Technologies for Implant Impressions: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Teledentistry – A future solution in the detection of caries: Systematic Review and …

TOPIC Relationship between Oral Dysbiosis and Hepatopancreatic and Biliary System. VISION Reduced incidence of hepatopancreatic and biliary system diseases by appropriate periodontitis management. MISSION Determining the causal link between chronic periodontitis and disorders of the hepatopancreatic and biliary system. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the Prevalence of Hepatopancreatic and Biliary diseases in Oral Dysbiosis: Systematic Review …

TOPIC Combined anti-angiogenic and anti-resorptive treatments in bone cancer patients. VISION Prolonged survival and improved quality of life in bone cancer patients. MISSION Assessing the benefits and risks of combined anti-angiogenic and anti-resorptive therapy in bone cancer patients. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the efficacy and safety of combined anti-angiogenic and anti-resorptive treatments in bone cancer …

Treatment options for periodontitis.

A world without periodontitis.

Finding the optimal adjunctive periodontal treatment therapies.

Investigating the adjunctive therapy options for periodontitis: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

[No data provided]

TOPIC Lasers in Endodontics. VISION Zero failure rate in root canal treatment. MISSION Finding the optimal method for root canal disinfection. PROJECT TITLE 1 Investigating the efficacy and safety of lasers in endodontic treatment: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT TITLE 2 Investigating prevalence rate of different oral bacteria in Alzheimer’s disease: A Systematic Review and …

TOPIC Fixation techniques used in the therapy of jaw fractures VISION Learning and utilizing the latest techniques in the case of patients with jaw fractures. MISSION Using a faster and more comfortable splinting technique during the night duty. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the efficacy and safety of the currently used methods in treatment of …

TOPIC Investigating the correlation between oral health and comorbidities VISION Reduce the number of comorbidities associated with oral lesions. MISSION Educate the population on the importance of oral health and its impact on our general health. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the prevalence of bacteria in periodontal pockets and atherosclerotic plaques in patients with atherosclerosis: …

TOPIC Investigating the accuracy of artificial intelligence used for caries diagnosis VISION Making high end dental solutions accessible to the public. MISSION Applying artificial intelligence not only for implant dentistry, but community dentistry as well. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the accuracy of artificial intelligence used for approximal caries diagnosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. …

TOPIC Examination of CAD/CAM produced complete dentures VISION Resocialise edentulous patients by the help of an aesthetic and well functioning complete denture. MISSION Provide a durable and feasible complete denture for edentulous patients. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the mechanical properties of denture base resins: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Evaluation of microbial …

TOPIC Daily aspect of oral medicine VISION Achieve affordable and good oral health for everyone. MISSION Make a positive difference in all patients life. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the efficacy of steroid and calcineurin inhibitor treatment in Oral Lichen Planus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating the efficacy of different methods in …

TOPIC Evaluation of tooth preparation designs for ceramic crowns VISION Offer patients the highest level of precision and accuracy in dental restorations, ensuring optimal oral health and satisfaction. MISSION Deliver evidence-based recommendations to dental professionals, guiding their selection of the most appropriate finish line design for ceramic crowns. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the efficacy …

TOPIC Investigating the effectiveness and safetiness of presurgical therapy possibilities for unilateral cleft lip and palate in infants VISION Gold standard for presurgical nasoalveolar molding treatment. MISSION Research existing techniques and compare them. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the effectiveness and safetiness of presurgical therapy possibilities for unilateral cleft lip and palate in infants: a …

TOPIC Implication of personalised medicine in maxillofacial surgery   VISION Customization driven Optimization for better Patient results.   MISSION Provide better clinical decisions based on research.   SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing Patient-Specific Implants and Stock System in Patients with TMJ-Reconstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Comparing Patient-Specific Implants and Stock System in …

TOPIC Evaluating the mechanical and antipathogenic characteristics of dental polymers​   VISION Decrease the incidence of denture fracture and stomatitis​.   MISSION Development of a denture material with both antipathogenic and good mechanical characteristics.​   SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Evaluation of flexural strength and antimicrobial characteristic of polymethyl metacrylate incorporated with silver nanoparticles: a systematic …

TOPIC Exploring HPV-associated diseases in different anatomical areas and their preventive measures VISION Decrease the prevalence of HPV caused diseases. MISSION Find the best options for HPV prevention and detection. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: The prevalence of oral HPV infection in cervical HPV-positive women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Analyzing of the dynamics …

TOPIC Mechanical and optical properties of enamel and dentin​   VISION Help to define dental esthetics with the academic language of science​.   MISSION Specify what natural-looking means scientifically.   SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the effect of tooth whitening on enamel structure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Evaluation of the colour change …

TOPIC The latest advancements in digital orthodontics VISION Help more people smile confidently. MISSION Create more accessible orthodontic treatments. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the differences in root resorption between fixed appliances and aligners in permanent dentition: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Analyzing the failure rate and adverse effects with indirectly versus manually …

TOPIC Artificial intelligence in oral medicine VISION An artificial intelligence based guide for clinicians, that helps to diagnose and treat oral medicine patients. MISSION Verify artificial intelligence as a reliable support for clinicians, find the possibilities and limitations of the technology. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the diagnostic accuracy of artificial intelligence in oral potentially …

TOPIC Oral complications of type II diabetes mellitus​ VISION Improve the life quality of patients with diabetes​. MISSION Assess the potential oral complications of diabetes and target them. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the Correlation between salivary glucose level and blood glucose level: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating the oral care habits …

TOPIC Novel insights into the oral – systemic health axis VISION Empowering global healthcare through a comprehensive understanding of the oral – systemic health axis. MISSION Exploring the bidirectional relationship of the oral-systemic health axis. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the salivary levels of Fusobacterium nucleatum in patients with colorectal carcinoma: a systematic review and …

TOPIC Imbalance in vascular reactivity between healthy women and men VISION Improving the quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) of female patients with cardiovacular and periodontal diseases. MISSION Provide evidence based data for personalized care. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing vascular reactivity between healthy women and men on macrovascular and microvascular level: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT …

TOPIC Optical and mechanical characteristics of dental ceramics ​ VISION Provide patients the best all-ceramic restoration​. MISSION Supply dentists a guidance about the appliance of different dental ceramics​. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the mechanical characteristics of additively vs subtractively manufactured dental ceramics: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating the effect of aging …

TOPIC New insights in the management of partially or completely edentulous patients VISION Providing the patient with a durable, long term and comfortable prosthesis. MISSION Investigating the clinical evidence concerning implants and abutments in fixed prosthodontics. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the long-term success of zirconia versus titanium implant abutments: a systematic review and meta-analysis. …

semmelweis university, centre for translational medicine Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Márton is a 5th year dental student at Semmelweis University. He joined the Translational Medicine Program in 2021, mainly focusing on orofacial clefts. His first project is a meta-analysis that investigates the effects of maternal health disorders and deleterious habits on the risk …

semmelweis university, centre for translational medicine Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I finished the Faculty of Dentistry, at University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Grigore T. Popa” Iasi, in September 2022. My main research field is Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. My research topic is: Investigating the surgical time required to treat craniomaxillofacial fractures using Virtual surgical planning …

Semmelweis University, Dep. of Community Dentistry Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: I am a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine while working at the Department of Community Dentistry. My main fields of interest are implantology and augmented reality. My first project is a meta-analysis investigating the …

semmelweis university, Department of Prosthodontics Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: My name is Virág, and I just started my PhD studies in 2022. I am a second-year resident at Semmelweis University, Department of Prosthodontics. In my free time, I like to read as many books as I can or play the piano, as well …

semmelweis university, Department of Community Dentistry Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: I’m a first-year PhD student and I’m currently working at the Department of Community Dentistry as a clinical doctor, but next year I would like to start my orthodontic residency as well. I love children, so it’s a …

semmelweis university, Department of Prosthodontics Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a second-year resident at the Department of Prosthodontics, at Semmelweis University. My main fields of research are alternative tobacco products and dental implants. My first project is a meta-analysis investigating the effect of tobacco products on peri-implant tissues. This study aims to …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, Dep. of Prosthodontics Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I’m a 1st year PhD student in the Translational Medicine Program and a 2nd year resident at the Department of Prosthodontics. My main fields of interest are gnathology, implantology, and esthetic dentistry, aiming to restore the highest quality of dental function and esthetics. My …

semmelweis university, centre for translational medicine Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: I am a PhD student and a second-year resident at the Department of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology, Semmelweis University. I am participating in the clinical PhD fellowship program. My main interest is third molar removal, and my project …

semmelweis university, Department of Prosthodontics Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I have been working at Semmelweis University Department of Prosthodontics as a resident since September 2021. In my clinical career, I am interested in implantology and implant prosthodontics, digital dentistry, and esthetic dentistry. My first research topic is about investigating the relationship between dental …

semmelweis university, Department of Prosthodontics Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a second-year resident at the Department of Prosthodontics, Semmelweis University. Currently I am participating in the 24-month clinical PhD fellowship program. I am working on a meta-analysis on conventional versus additive cast-fabrication in implant prosthodontics. My goal is to make additive manufacturing …

Semmelweis University, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a clinical specialist in Conservative dentistry and Prosthodontics, and a clinical specialist in Endodontics as well. I also work as an assistant lecturer and I am a participant in a Ph.D. student at the Department of Restorative Dentistry and …

semmelweis university, Dep. of Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a clinical specialist in Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, as well as a second-year PhD student at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Semmelweis University. My focus of interest is a type of developmental defect of the enamel, Molar …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Viki is a clinical specialist at the Department Of Prosthodontics, Semmelweis University. She is participating in the 24-month clinical PhD fellowship programme. Currently she is working on a metaanalysis on accuracy of intraoral scans compared to reference scans in full-arch. Her second project is …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DENTISTRY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Eszter is a PhD student at Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine and a clinical dentist at the Department of Community Dentistry. Her first project is a meta-analysis about the use of teledentistry in the differential diagnosis of oral lesions. Her second topic is …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Peter is a second year resident at the Department of Prosthodontics, Semmelweis University, participating in the 24-month clinical PhD fellowship program. Currently he is working on a meta-analysis on monolithic zirconia single implant restorations compared with metalceramic ones. His second project is another meta-analysis …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Eszter is a clinical specialist in Conservative dentistry and Prosthodontics, and also a Ph.D. student at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Semmelweis University, participating in a 12-month clinical fellowship program at the Institute for Translational Medicine. She is working in a meta-analysis of …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: Eleonóra is a clinical doctor and PhD student at Department of Periodontology, Semmelweis University, also participating in the 24-month clinical PhD fellowship programme. She is currently working in a meta-analysis about the safety and efficacy of autogenous tooth …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Anna is a second year resident at the Department of Prosthodontics, Semmelweis University and taking part in the 24 month PhD fellowship programme. She is mainly interested in digital dentistry and 3D printing. Her first project is a meta-analysis investigating the accuracy of 3D …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: János is a clinical specialist at the Department Of Prosthodontics, Semmelweis University. He is participating in the 24-month clinical PhD fellowship programme. His main field of interest is maxillofacial prosthodontics and 3D imaging. Currently he is working on a metaanalysis evaluating the differences between …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Kata is a third year resident at the Department of Prosthodontics,Semmelweis University. She is participating in the 24 month PhD fellowship programme and is interested in temporomandibular disorders. Her first project is a meta-analysis investigating the efficacy of additional splint therapy to physiotherapy in …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DENTISTRY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Zsuzsa is a PhD student and clinical doctor at the Department of Community Dentistry. She is participating in the clinical PhD fellowship programme. Her main interest is periodontal diseases. The aim of her first meta-analysis is to investigate the association between two multifactorial …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF ORAL BIOLOGY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Bianca is a 2nd year PhD student at Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine participating in the Translational Medicine Program. Her main focus of interest is dental enamel and its developmental defects. Her first project is a meta-analysis about the efficacy of CPP-ACP as …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF ORAL BIOLOGY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Alexander is a medical doctor and dentistry student, as well as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine. Alex joined the Translational Medicine Program in 2021. His main interest is maxillofacial surgery.The first project is a meta-analysis that compares maxillofacial …