Medical German course from scratch (soon)
English medium Hungarian A1 (soon)
One-to-one languages for general or specific purposes in 7 languages (soon)
OET one-to-one prep course (soon)
ONLINE exam prep courses for general telc B2 or C1 exam in GERMAN (8 occasions)
ONLINE exam prep training for general telc B2 or C1 exam in GERMAN (2 occasions)
Information for General Semmelweis Language courses
Information of language courses for Specific Purposes
ONLINE exam prep course for telc Deutsch B1·B2 Pflege German exam for nurses (4 occasions)
ONLINE exam prep training for telc Deutsch B1·B2 Pflege German exam for nurses (1 occasion)
ONLINE exam prep courses for general telc B1 or B2 exam in GERMAN
(4 occasions)
ONLINE exam prep training for general telc B1 or B2 exam in GERMAN
(1 occasion)
Latest! telc Deutsch B2·C1 Medizin Fachsprachprüfung medical German exam prep language course
English Profex language exam prep B2
German Profex language exam prep B1
German Profex language exam prep B2
German Telc Medizin language exam prep B2-C1
Hungarian medical language with English or German as the language of instruction
Hungarian general communication
Hungarian for native Russians/Ukranians
French health communication B1-B2-C1
French general language courses A1-C1