telc  – The European Language Certificates.

telc is an accredited, officially recognized language exam. The international, accredited telc exam is available in English and German at B1, B2 and C1 level at the Department of Languages for Specific Purposes, Semmelweis University.
The examination center has been present in Hungary since 2003.

What do you need to know about the telc exam?
The telc language examination is based on the communicative language model, i.e. it measures linguistic, sociolinguistic and strategic competences.

  • internationally recognized: in addition to the Hungarian hard cover certificate, it also gives an internationally recognized certificate,
  • oral examination in pairs: the candidate focuses on his/her partner rather than the examiner, thus making the exam situation less stressful,
  • a well-developed criteria of assessment eliminates subjectivity,
  • interactive with real-life situations,
  • a well-established international examination system.


The structure of the exam:

Registration and exam dates: 

Exam coordinator:
Magdolna Pálinkás:

Test samples:

The Department of Languages for Specific Purposes, Semmelweis University regularly launches telc exam preparation courses.

More information about the courses:
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