Semmelweis Medical Linguistics Conference 2025
Inclusivity and Diversity in Healthcare Communication Research

Institute of Languages for Specific Purposes, Semmelweis University
23-24 May, 2025
Budapest, Hungary


Abstract submission

Important dates and deadlines

Early bird registration deadline 31 December, 2024
Early bird abstract submission deadline 31 December, 2024

Regular registration deadline

(In-person speaker/Online speaker,

In-person poster presenter/Online poster presenter,

In-person participant/Online participant,

In-person workshop participant/Online workshop participant)

10 February, 2025
Regular abstract submission deadline 10 February, 2025
Payment deadline 15 March, 2025
Conference 23 – 24 May, 2025
Plenary speakers

Bührig, Kristin

Universität Hamburg

Title of plenary speech: Interpreting in multilingual health communication

Janczukowicz, Janusz

WHO Academy Quality Committee
Medical University of Lodz

Title of plenary speech: Intersections between verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal communication in the healthcare context

Semino, Elena

Lancaster University

Title of plenary speech: Metaphors and vaccinations

Young, Anthony

Columbia University in the City of New York

Title of plenary speech: The Role of the Standardized Patient in a Delivering-Bad-News Simulation

Registration fees


Available till 31 December, 2024

In-person speaker/Online speaker

In-person poster presenter/Online poster presenter

In-person participant/Online participant

In-person workshop participant/Online workshop participant

220 EUR (for two days)*


In-person speaker/Online speaker

In-person poster presenter/Online poster presenter

In-person participant/Online participant

In-person workshop participant/Online workshop participant

240 EUR (for two days)*

* including buffet on both days

Payment details

  1. Fill in the registration form. Please make sure your invoicing details are correct.
  2. Transfer the fee (participation and dinner, if applicable).

    BENEFICIARY’s details:
    Name: Semmelweis University or Semmelweis Egyetem
    Address: 1085 Budapest, Üllői út 26, Hungary
    Account number: 11763842-00880888
    IBAN: HU51117638420088088800000000

    BANK details:
    Name: OTP Bank Nyrt.
    Address: 1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 16, Hungary

  3. The payment reference should state the code:
    SMLC2025 registration fee for XY
    (XY indicates the name of the participant)
  4. Semmelweis University will issue and send an e-invoice to your invoicing e-mail address.
    Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Publication details

Following the conference, participants may submit their papers to the Semmelweis Medical Linguistics Investigations series, scheduled for publication by Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. All articles submitted to the series will automatically be considered for indexing.

Our sponsors

OET – Occupational English Test

Creating test content that replicates the workplace tasks of healthcare professionals. The Occupational English Test (OET) is an international English language test that assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals who seek to register and practice in English-speaking environments. OET is trusted by regulators, hospitals & universities around the world as proof of ability to communicate effectively. This poster presentation details how OET has been developed specifically to reflect daily tasks for 12 healthcare professions and how those tasks simulate real workplace scenarios while testing relevant English language skills of healthcare professionals.

Peter Lang – International Academic Publishers

The Peter Lang Group has over 50 years of experience in academic publishing, specialising in the Humanities and Social Sciences worldwide. We are dedicated to offering top quality publishing services to Higher Education institutions and academics. For academics we are disseminators of valuable academic research that empowers passionate authors to reach eager readers worldwide. We publish about 1,000 titles every year in German, English, French and Spanish, as well as in multiple other languages, from traditional print products to eBooks and Open Access publications. The Peter Lang Group is a strong advocate for Open Access publications, with over
2,000 Open Access titles to date and a clear commitment to continue offering relevant Open Access models.

Express Publishing






Social and networking events

The first social event of the conference will be a conference dinner held on the first evening of the event. This will be a great opportunity for participants to network, exchange ideas, and enjoy a pleasant evening together. Details about the venue and time will be provided in the program.

The other optional event is Hungarian Craft Beer Tasting on the second evening at ÉlesztőházCraft beers & traditional pub
Address: Budapest, Tűzoltó u. 22, 1094 (Five minutes walk from the conference venue)

We warmly invite you to our beer tasting event, where you’ll enjoy a very short English presentation at the pub about the unique story of Hungarian artisanal beer. Following the presentation, we are pleased to offer participants their first glass of beer. The evening will then transition into an informal networking gathering, with excellent beer tasting options and ample opportunities for engaging conversations in a friendly, laid-back atmosphere.




Institute of Languages for Specific Purposes, Semmelweis University
H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25. 


Semmelweis University, Basic Medical Science Center (Elméleti Orvostudományi Központ)
H-1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó u. 37-43.