The Department of Languages for Specific Purposes offers an online exam prep course for
telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medizin Fachsprachprüfung,
medical German exam
Recommended for those who would like to:
– work as a doctor in Germany in the future,
– learn medical language sufficient for employment, in an intensive course, instead of years of general language preparation,
– take the next telc Medizin FSP exam in June, 2023 at the Department of Languages for Specific Purposes.
Our 28-hour course (28×45 mins) will prepare you for the telc Medizin FSP exam in 4 hours/day.
Course days: 1/5/7/8/13/14/15 June, 2023 – between 8 AM-11.15 AM.
Registration and payment deadline: 30 May, 2023
Zsuzsanna Vas (coordinator)