Our Institute has gained a new associate professor, as the habilitation procedure of Dr. Kornél Király has been completed. As part of the process, our colleague had to demonstrate his research and teaching skills to the committees and students. This included 2 lectures in the classroom, one in Hungarian and one in a foreign language, and a scientific presentation of his research results. Our colleague gave a public classroom lecture in German, entitled “Grundlagen der Opioid-Pharmakologie, natürliche Opioide”, followed by a Hungarian lecture in the Brown Auditorium of NET, entitled “Herpesz-, Influenza-, Korona és RS-vírus ellenes gyógyszerek” in hungarian. At the end of the proceedings, Dr. Kornél Király successfully presented his research qualifications to the committee. His scientific presentation was entitled “A dipeptidil-peptidáz 4 és a CART peptidek szerepe a nociceptiv transzmisszióban” in hungarian. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Kornél and wish him continued success and good health in his work.