2024/25 Spring

4th year 45 min, Árkövy terem   Tuesday 12:45-13:30
The importance and steps of the periodontal cause related therapy  HA február 4.
Treatment of acute periodontal diseases GI február 11.
Cause related therapy. Professional mechanical plaque control SE február 18.
Elimination of plaque retentive factors GI február 25.
Chemical plaque control and antibiotics HA március 4.
Splinting techniques in periodontology  GI március 11.
General aspects of classifications. The new of classification of periodontal diseases  GI március 18.
Classification of periodontal diseases I. Gingival diseases NP március 25.
Classification of periodontal diseases II. Attachment apparatus GI április 1.
Differential diagnosis and therapy of endoperiodontal lesions GI április 8.
Non-plaque related periodontal conditions. Gingival recession MB április 15.
Periodontal disease as a focal disease. Periodontal medicine + cardiovascular diseases GI április 22.
Reassessment of the initial phase. Periodontal maintenance CSNB április 29.
Written exam GI május 6.


2024/25 Fall

4th year 45 min, Árkövy terem   Wednesday     11:00-11:45
Introduction to Periodontology, Etiology of periodontal disease GI szept. 04.
Anatomy and morphogenesis of periodontal tissues HA szept. 11.
Local factors, dental plaque, biofilm. GI szept. 18.
Periodontal microbiology GI szept. 25.
Pathomechanism of periodontal disease I. Immunological considerations MB okt. 02.
Pathomechanism of periodontal disease II.- I. Demonstration GI okt. 09.
Clinical and radiological diagnostics  CSNB okt. 16.
National Holiday  okt. 23.
Periodontal epidemiology. Indices GI okt. 30.
Individualised oral hygiene  TD nov. 06.
Local risk factors NP nov. 13.
General risk factors- II. Demonstration GI nov. 20.
Treatment phases of comprehensive periodontal treatment  HA nov. 27.
Written exam GI dec. 04.


2023/24 Spring

2023/24 Fall

4th year 75 min, Árkövy terem   Wednesday     11:00-12:15 
Introduction to Periodontology, Etiology of periodontal disease GI szept. 06.
Anatomy and morphogenesis of periodontal tissues HA szept. 13.
Periodontal microbiology HA szept. 20.
Local factors, dental plaque, biofilm. GI szept. 27.
Periodontal epidemiology. Indices  GI okt. 4.
Pathomechanism of periodontal disease I. Immunological considerations MB okt. 11.
Pathomechanism of periodontal disease II. GI okt. 18.
Clinical and radiological diagnostics  CSNB okt. 25.
All saints   nov. 1.
Individualised oral hygiene  GI nov. 8.
Local risk factors NP nov. 15.
General risk factors GI nov. 22.
Treatment phases of comprehensive periodontal treatment  HA nov. 29.
Written test GI dec. 06.

2022/23 Spring

2022/23 Fall

Propedeutics practice