According to the decision of Election Officer KREBS Máté, the voting phase was ended on the 7th of March 2024.

Considering the results of the 2023 elections, the mandates of the Assembly of Delegates will be filled up by the following students:

  1. Delegates whose term of office expires when the results of the second general election become final:
    • BAKÓ Benedek
    • BÉNYI Botond Boldizsár
    • Evelina DAVLIEVA
    • KESKENY György Árpád
    • MAGYAR Dániel Dávid
    • MÉSZÁROS Csaba
    • MIKLÓS Renáta Dalma
    • José Arturo OROZCO JR.
    • TIMÁR Petra
    • VARGA Sára
  2. Delegate whose term of office expires when the results of the next general election become final:
    • Reem H.I. ALADIN

The newly elected members have also become presidential electors. The inaugural session of the Assembly of Delegates, where the newly elected members take their place, is expected in the coming weeks.

Thank you all for participating in the elections!
We congratulate to all winners and wish you a fruitful work in the future!