Bálint Tripolszky, the new president of the Students’ Union

On this day the Delegate Congress was assembled for the presidential election. From the two applicants, dr. Szabolcs Lányi and Bálint Tripolszky the congress elected Bálint Tripolszky as the president of the Students’ Union. 

dr. Szabolcs Lányi is presenting his application

Bálint is attending the 4th year of the Faculty of General Medicine. His career in the Union started on the very beginning of his studies, where he has been known from his earnest and persistent work, therefore he decided to carry this on as a president.

Below we collected the most important points of his application:

  • improving transparency;
  • reduction of bureaucracy;
  • naming an educational vice-president;
  • naming two delegates for each year on all faculties in order two represent their year’s opinions;
  • improving digitalisation;
  • providing more sources for the improvement of dormitories;
  • initiate a deeper cooperation with the foreign student organisations, while getting them more involved in the work of the Committee of Foreign Issues;
  • initiating the integration of the foreign student’s body;
  • improving the communication in order to make it entirely bilingual;
  • strengthening Semmelweis identity;
  • providing face-to-face meetings and discussions with the office-bearers of the Students’ Union on a monthly basis.


Congratulations, we wish you effective and pleasurable work as the new president!