As the appointed referent Botond Kalácska takes over representing the interests of students living in dorms. We asked him about his plans for the future, and the current situation of the dormitories.
Szinapszis: Why was it necessary to appoint a new referent?
Botond Kalácska: My predecessor sought me out before his resignation because he thought I’d be a good fit for this position. I was very surprised, but at the same time, it’s a good feeling that he holds me in high regard. I thought things over, and as a student, who also lives in a dorm, I decided to accept his proposal and I’ll try to represent the interests of dormitories, and those living there.
Sz.: What does a referent do?
B. K.: In essence, he’s the leader of the Dormitory Committee. Aside from colleges for advanced studies, my authority extends to every dormitory. There’s a subcommittee working in every dormitory, I have connections with these, and the board of directors as well, I also take part in processing dorm applications.  
Sz.: Could you talk about this in more detail?
B. K.: Of course. Every request and every problem that arises comes to me from the subcommittees, and I try to find a solution and relay the information to the board of directors. I manage every dorm’s waiting list, and I send students to an adequate dormitory. I answer all other questions from students, either through email, or personally if necessary. I also help organize and run events that take place inside dormitories. Students can seek me out with any questions regarding dorm applications.
Sz.: How will the Semmelweis Ignác College for Advanced Studies fit into this system?
B. K.: To be completely honest, I’m not sure myself. In my opinion, it will work in a similar way to the Korányi Frigyes College for Advanced Studies, but right now I don’t have much information to share about this.

Botond Kalácska, appointed referent at the head of dormitories

Sz.: As the new referent what are your goals and plans?
B. K.: First and foremost, I’d like to establish a well-working subcommittee in every dormitory, because there are some dorms, where this isn’t the case as of now. I’d also like to make life easier for students, both in term-times and examination periods, by, for example, organizing many programs, and complementary courses to help students get through all these hardships. I wish to find a solution to every problem and to make sure that communication is smooth between the Committee and the board of directors.
Sz.: Many students have complained about a lack of warm water, power outages, bad living circumstances. Should this be addressed in the dormitory or at a higher level?
B. K.: Yes, I know, these come up often. The problem is, that most dormitories were built a long time ago, and as a result of this, many systems are out of date. Replacing, or even renovating these requires huge sums of money. Every year we strive to find the best possible solution, but this requires intervention from a much higher level. I try to do everything I possibly can, to get around these problems, and do not have to deal with them again later.
Sz.: Dormitories already work as an independent community, do you think it’s necessary to get dormitories and its’ residents closer, or should relationships inside the dormitory be strengthened instead?
B. K.: I think that on some level it’s important to close the distance between dormitories. There are many people who can’t get into the same dormitory, but we don’t want to separate them. Joint events can help them get in touch outside of the university. These events can also lead to the formation of new friendships. At the same time, it’s difficult to execute many joint events, mostly because of the distance between the dormitories. I believe that it’s most important to create a good environment inside the dorm itself because that is crucial for proper dorm life.