Semmelweis University Doctoral Council
and the Theoretical and Translational Medicine Division
invite you to the doctoral dissertation defense of

Gantsetseg Garmaa, MD.

Unraveling Chronic Kidney Disease: Evidence from TGF-β-induced in vitro and in vivo
fibrosis models and meta-analyses

The date of defense:
28th August 2024 at 3.00 PM CET

The place of defense:
Hőgyes Lecture Room, University Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Administration,
Semmelweis University
Hőgyes Endre u. 7-9, 1092 Budapest

Supervisor: Gábor Kökény, MD, PhD
Head of the Program: Zsembery Ákos, MD, PhD
Head of the Doctoral School: Miklós Kellermayer, MD, DSc.
President of the evaluation committee: Péter Reismann, MD, PhD
Committee members: Tamás Kaucsár, MD, PhD. , Balázs Sági, MD, PhD

Opponents: András Balla, MD, PhD; Péter Légrády, MD, PhD

Budapest, 2024