Semmelweis University Doctoral Council
and the Doctoral School of Theoretical and Translational Medicine
invite you to the defense of doctoral dissertation of

Aliz Majer, PharmD.

The Development of Blood-derived and Lysophosphatidic Acid Containing Scaffolds for Bone
Regenerative Applications

The date of defence:
18th June 2024 at 2 PM CET

The place of defence:
Beznák Aladár Lecture Hall, Basic Medical Science Center, 37-47. Tűzoltó Street, Budapest
1094, Semmelweis University


Supervisor: Éva Ruisanchez, MD, Ph.D.
Co-supervisor: István Hornyák, Ph.D.
Head of the Program: Zoltán Benyó, MD, DSc.
Head of the Doctoral School: Miklós Kellermayer, MD, DSc.

President of the evaluation committee: Jolán Hársafalvi MD, DSc.

Committee members: Csilla Csányi, Ph.D. ; Szilvia Bősze, Ph.D. 

Opponents: Tímea Feller, PharmD, Ph.D.; Krisztina Ella, PhD.

Budapest, 2024