Semmelweis University Doctoral Council
and the Doctoral School of Theoretical and Translational Medicine
invite you to the defence of doctoral dissertation of

Anna Janovicz, PharmD

Lysophospholipid Signaling in Endothelial Dysfunction
The date of defence:
5th June 2024 at 4PM

The place of defence:
Semmelweis Salon
Üllői Street 26., 1085 Budapest
Semmelweis University

Supervisors: Zoltán Benyó, MD, DSc and Éva Ruisanchez, MD, PhD
Head of the Program: Zoltán Benyó, MD, DSc
Head of the Doctoral School: Miklós Kellermayer, MD, DSc
President of the evaluation committee: Éva Szökő, PharmD, DSc
Committee members: Bernadett Éva Trencsényiné Balázs, PhD; Endre Kolossváry, MD, PhD

Opponents: Balázs Horváth, MD, PhD; Mihály Ruppert, MD, PhD

Budapest, 2024