Semmelweis University Doctoral Council

and the Doctoral School of Theoretical and Translational Medicine
invite you to the doctoral dissertation defense of

Csaba András Schvarcz, MD.


Multiplex Assessment of Modulated Electro-hyperthermia Induced Local Acute-Phase Protein

Production in Mouse TNBC Model

The date of defense:
17 October 2023. 4 PM CET
The place of defense:

Békésy György Lecture hall, Basic Medical Science Center,

Tűzoltó u. 37-47.,1094 Budapest
Semmelweis University

Supervisor: Péter Hamar, MD, D.Sc.
Head of the Program: Zoltán Benyó, MD, D.Sc.
Head of the Doctoral School: Miklós Kellermayer, MD, D.Sc.

President of the evaluation committee: Dr. Győrffy Balázs, MD, D.Sc.,

Committee members: Opponents:
Mihály Újhelyi MD, PhD. Éva Borbély, MD, PhD.
Ambrus Gángó MD, PhD. Gyöngyvér Szentmártoni, MD, PhD.

Budapest, 2023