The Doctoral Council of Semmelweis University

and the Doctoral School of Theoretical and Translational Medicine
kindly invites You to the public defense of the PhD thesis by

Dina Wafa MD

„Investigation of novel lipid-dependent cardiovascular processes”


The date of the defense: 26 April 2022, 1:00 p.m.

The place of the defense: Semmelweis University Basic Medical Science Center,

Hevesy György Lecture Hall
Supervisor: Zsuzsanna Miklós MD, PhD

Head of the Doctoral Program: Zoltán Benyó MD, DSc
Head of the Doctoral School: Miklós Kellermayer MD, DSc

Head of the Examination Committee:
Ákos Zsembery MD, PhD
Official reviewers:
Orsolya Szenczi MD, PhD
András Tóth DSc

Members of the Examination Committee:
Domonkos Cseh MD, PhD
Norbert Szentandrássy MD, PhD