TOPIC Eating and feeding difficulties in children with autism spectrum disorder – From background to tailored treatment VISION Equality for autistic children and their families. MISSION Background clarification for the most effective interventions. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the sensory aspects of eating and feeding disorders in autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: …
TOPIC New insights into the development of abnormal glucose tolerance in cystic fibrosis patients VISION One day cystic fibrosis-related diabetes will not worsen the life quality of cystic fibrosis patients. MISSION Providing new screening strategy for earlier diagnosis of cystic fibrosis-related abnormal glucose tolerance. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the Prevalence of islet autoantibodies in …
TOPIC Develop a more accurate diagnostic and management protocol by monitoring through the genotype-phenotype association VISION Help children and their families dealing with neurological disorders. MISSION Improve the diagnosis of paroxysmal events in childhood. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Identification of Predictive Factors for Paroxysmal Nonepileptic Events Based on Video-EEG Monitoring: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. …
TOPIC Investigating the Effectiveness of Different Therapeutical Modalities in Cerebral Palsy VISION Improving the holistic care of people with cerebral palsy. MISSION Assessing the most effective therapies for people living with cerebral palsy. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the effectiveness of different therapeutical modalities in cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating …
TOPIC Physical activity in inflammatory bowel disease VISION Improve the management and quality of life of inflammatory bowel disease patients. MISSION Encourage inflammatory bowel disease patients to exercise for reducing disease burden. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating changes in disease activity and quality of life after physical exercise intervention in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: …
TOPIC Investigating the association between the genotype and phenotype of pediatric patients with polyposis syndromes VISION Improving the quality of life and enhancing chances of survival in patients with polyposis syndrome. MISSION Develop a more accurate diagnostic and management protocol by monitoring through the genotype-phenotype association. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Develop a more accurate diagnostic …
TOPIC Impact of new genomic technologies on patient care VISION Boost the effective utilization of genomic technologies. MISSION Recommend, develop, and support educational and financial policies. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the effectiveness, safety and costs of orphan medicinal products in spinal muscular atrophy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating the health-economical impact …
TOPIC The role of gut microbiota in cystic fibrosis VISION Offer a complication-free life for people with cystic fibrosis. MISSION Investigating the role of gut microbiota in the disease. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the gut microbiota in cystic fibrosis patients and healthy individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigation of gut dysbiosis …
TOPIC Treatment Related Cardiotoxicity in Pediatric Oncology VISION Cancer patients should have good life quality without heart complications. MISSION Cancer patients should have good life quality without heart complications. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the Diagnostic Tools Accuracy for Early Detection of Cardiac Failure in Pediatric Oncology: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating The …
TOPIC The Importance of Social Determinants in Childhood Patients with Malignancies VISION Prevent Childhood Malignancies. MISSION Identify and Eliminate Contributing Factors. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Association Between Socioeconomic Measures and the Risk of Childhood Malignancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating Glutamine Effect on Oral Mucositis in Childhood Cancer Patient: Randomized Controlled Trial. …
TOPIC Novel Digital Health Approaches in Oncology VISION Improve quality of life in oncology via new approaches. MISSION Finding the best digital health interventions for cancer patients. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the Effect of Digital Health Interventions on the Quality of Life of Individuals Facing Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Hungarian Adaptation …
Heim Pál National Pediatric Insitute Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a newly graduated, pediatric resident at Heim Pál National Pediatric Institute. My main area of interest is neonatology. As my first project, I am working on a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the outcomes of neonatal resuscitation with and without intact umbilical …
Heim Pál National Pediatric Insitute Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: I am a newly graduated pediatric resident at Heim Pál National Pediatric Institute and my main field of interest is pediatric gastroenterology. My first project is a systematic review and meta-analysis regarding the frequency of extraintestinal manifestations in inflammatory bowel …
Semmelweis University, Centre for Translational Medicine Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: I am working as a fourth-year pediatric resident at the Csolnoky Ferenc Hospital in Veszprém and this year I am also participating in the PhD program. My field of interest is neonatology. Currently, I am working on a meta-analysis …
Heim Pál National Pediatric Insitute Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: I have graduated in 2022 at University of Szeged as a medical doctor, currently I have a position at the Heim Pál National Pediatric Institute. My main interest is pediatrics, more specifically pediatric oncology, and hematology, and biobanking. My first …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, CENTRE FOR TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE Number of meta-analyses: 1 Project Description: My name is Li Ximeng (Nicole). I am a first-year PhD student at the Centre for Translational Medicine, Pediatrics group. I studied Biological Sciences at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University. I have done some student research on non-small cell lung cancer in the past, …
semmelweis university, András Pető Faculty Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: My name is Erika Kolumbán, I am a conductor-teacher and lecturer at the Pető András Faculty of Semmelweis University. I joined the Translational Medicine program in 2022, with a field of interest in conductive education. My first project is …
Semmelweis University, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: Investigating the time and risk factors for IVH in preterm neonates my field of interests are the preterm neonates with intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). IVH is a frequent complication of prematurity with a pooled estimates of 34.3% for …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE, 2nd Department of Pediatrics Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: I am a fourth-year resident doctor in pediatrics at the 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Semmelweis University and I am taking part in the PhD fellowship program. I am working on a systematic review and meta-analysis …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, CENTRE FOR TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: I am a biologist, studying as a PhD student at the Centre for Translational Medicine, Semmelweis University, by the supervisiorship of Miklós Garami, from the 2nd Department of Pediatrics. I am interested in oncological therapeutics, especially in novel, …
TOPIC Short-term and long-term endocrine effects and side effects of pediatric oncological diseases and their treatment VISION Improve the survival and life quality of oncological patients. MISSION Identify the least harmful and most effective therapeutical opportunities for oncological patients. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the Effectiveness and Safety of Available Therapies in …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE, 2nd Department of Pediatrics Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: I am a 1st year PhD student in the Centre for Translational Medicine, and a 3rd year resident in the 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Semmelweis University. My main interest is in pediatric oncology and oncopsychology. One …
Zala County SZENT RAFAEL Hospital Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: My name is Renáta Kiss-Miki, I am a second-year resident, and my field of interest is pediatric neurology and pediatric neuro-oncology. My current research plan is a meta-analysis comparing the two major types of radiotherapy, investigating their effectiveness and side …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, ANDRÁS PETŐ PRACTICE PRIMARY SCHOOL Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: Nóra is a conductor-teacher working at the András Pető Faculty at Semmelweis University. She is working on a meta-analysis investigating the executive functions and evaluating the different executive function test results among the cerebral palsy population, thus …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, ANDRÁS PETŐ PRACTICE PRIMARY SCHOOL Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: Márk works at the András Pető Faculty as a conductor-teacher and his special field is the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy (CP). He is working on a systematic review and meta-analysis about the effect of additional …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: Lukács Adrienn is a certified physiotherapist and her main research area is the multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). She is currently working on a meta-analysis investigating the prevalence and characteristics of cardiovascular abnormalities in COVID-19 associated multisystem inflammatory …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, SECOND DEPARTMENT OF PAEDIATRICS Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: Dóra is a newly-graduated medical doctor and her research area is pediatric hematology and oncology. She is working on a systematic review and meta-analysis, comparing the toxicity levels between bolus injection and long-term vincristine infusion in patients with …
HEIM PÁL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Number of meta-analyses: 2 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: Ágoston is a newly-graduated medical student and his main research field is pediatric COVID-19. He is working on a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the prevalence of asymptomatic COVID-19 in different pediatric age groups. Children are likely to have a higher …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, SECOND DEPARTMENT OF PAEDIATRICS Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Márk is a newly-graduated medical student and his main interest is in pediatric oncology and hematology. He is currently working on a systematic review and meta-analysis regarding the comparison of social and economical outcomes between former childhood cancer patients and the general population. …
SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, FIRST DEPARTMENT OF PAEDIATRICS Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 2 Project Description: Réka is a resident doctor at the 1st Department of Paediatrics, Semmelweis University. Her research interests include vaccine technologies, long-term effects following SARS-CoV-2 infection, and related to this, the long COVID syndrome. She is working on a meta-analysis and …
HEIM PÁL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: Adrienn is a third-year pediatric resident in Heim Pál National Pediatric Insitute. Her main focus is on the endocrine pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis (CF). In her meta-analysis, the aim is to assess the prevalence of abnormal glucose tolerance (AGT) in …
HEIM PÁL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of clinical trials: 1 Project Description: Dorina is a newly graduated medical doctor and her interest is in the pediatric field. Her first project is a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect of preoperative anti-TNF-alpha therapy on postoperative complications in pediatric irritable bowel disease. Concern …