A commemoration was held on the occasion of the 177th anniversary of the 1848-49 revolution and war of independence in the grand hall of the Semmelweis University Nagyvárad Square Theoretical Building (NET). At the event, those who have done a lot in research, education, medicine and support areas with their outstanding work and human approach to the realization of the university’s goals in the recent period received leadership and teaching appointments, as well as recognitions.

Among the employees of our institute, Dr. Zoltán Giricz, senior research associate and deputy director responsible for infrastructure, received the appointment of Research Professor. Dr. Zoltán Varga, associate professor and deputy director responsible for scientific infrastructure, received the Rector’s Commendation. Dr. András Makkos, assistant professor, received the Dean’s Commendation. Andrea Kovács, one of the employees of our institute, received the Outstanding Employee of Semmelweis University award.

We would like to congratulate our employees from the bottom of our hearts and wish them good health and much success in their future careers!

