A Központ doktori kurzusait kizárólag angol nyelven oktatja. A doktori kurzusok a 2020/21 év őszi félévétől indulnak. 

Systematic literature review & meta-analysis: a practical approach

Course director: Prof. Zoltán Vokó

4-day course in biostatistics (2 credits)

Each day consists of 6 x 45-minute classes plus 10 hours self-study

Date: 20-23 January 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Location: Beznák Aladár Lecture Hall, Basic Medical Science Center, Semmelweis University

Day 1

Systematic literature review

Zsuzsanna Petykó

Day 2-4

Meta-analyses, Network meta-analyses

Zoltán Vokó

Technical requirements: participants should bring their own computer

Evaluation of prior PhD courses by participants and Action plan (in HU):

Evidence synthesis to support coverage decisions of medical technologies_Evaluation and action plan in HU_2021

Evidence synthesis to support coverage decisions of medical technologies_Evaluation and action plan in HU_2022

Health economic aspects of pharmaceutical R&D decisions

Course director: Prof. Zoltán Kaló

4-day course in pharmaceutical research and development (2 credits)

Each day consists of 7 x 45-minute classes


Day 1

Development of health economic model

Balázs Nagy

Day 2

Early phase economic modelling

Zoltán Kaló

Day 3

Strategic pricing of pharmaceutical technologies

Zoltán Kaló

Day 4

Net present value calculation to support development decisions

Zoltán Kaló

Technical requirements: participants should bring their own computer

For more information: https://semmelweis.hu/hta/oktatas/phd-kepzes/teli-egyetem/

Evaluation of prior PhD courses by participants and Action plan (in HU):

Applied health economics

Course director: András Inotai

4-day course in health policy (2 credits)

Each day consists of 6 x 45-minute classes


Day 1

Principles of health economics, elements of health technology assessment, economic evaluations

Zoltán Kaló/ András Inotai

Day 2

Development of cost-effectiveness and budget impact models to support pharmaceutical policy decisions

Balázs Nagy

Day 3

Theory and practice of managed entry decisions

András Inotai 

Day 4

Principles and implementation of value frameworks and Multicriteria Decision Analyses to support policy decisions

Zoltán Kaló

Technical requirements: participants should bring their own computer

For more information: https://semmelweis.hu/hta/oktatas/phd-kepzes/applied-health-economics/

Evaluation of prior PhD courses by participants and Action plan (in HU):