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On the 11th of September 1893 the inventor of the Pető-method and therefore the Conductive Pedagogy, professor András Pető was born in Szombathely. 74 years later on the 11th of September, 1967 he has passed away with such a great intellectual heritage that elevated him among the greatest Hungarians.

As tradition dictates, the namesake of the András Pető Faculty has been commemorated at several locations.

At the Farkasrét Cemetery Dr. Éva Feketéné Szabó, Vice-Rector of Semmelweis University for Strategy and Development, Director of the Conductive Pedagogical Center and her colleagues visited the grave of András Pető to place their wreath on it.

In the Stollár Béla street – where András Pető lived for many, many years – Ágnes Mátyásné Kiss, Head of the Pedagogical Institution of András Pető Faculty and Gabriella Dániel, Vice-Director of the Unified Conductive Pedagogical Methodology Institute put their own wreath on the memorial plaque of András Pető. Conductors, teachers and students of the faculty listened to the commemorative speech of Hanna Muzslai-Bízik, Specialist of the Pedagocial Institution. Levente Deli, Nóra Beck and Ádám Veress, students of the primary school of András Pető Faculty recited some beautiful poems thus elevating the emotional level of the commemoration.

In the Kútvölgyi campus Renáta Földesi, Director of the Conductive Pedagogical Institute, caretaker of the Pető-legacy together with the first year students of the Conductive Pedagogy BA programme put the flowers of remembrance on the bronze statue of András Pető. She raised the students attention that from the first day of the school they are all writing the history of conductive pedagogy.

While in Szombathely the colleagues of the Micimackó Conductive Nursery School remembered András Pető and left their wreath on the house where András Pető was born.

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