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Prestigious visitors at the András Pető Faculty

Once again the András Pető Faculty of Semmelweis University welcomed some prominent guests during the course of this week.

On Tuesday, Honorary Michael A. Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions for the Ontario Provincial Government visited our campus together with Mr. Máté Árpád Igaz, Deputy Head of Mission at the Hungarian Embassy in Canada, and Mr. Sándor Balla, CEO of the Hungarian Export Promotion Agency.

During the visit, Mr. Tibollo told us that he had long been interested in the system of Conductive Pedagogy, which is available in Canada thanks to some private institutions. He confirmed that in the near future, the Conductive Pedagogy could play a bigger role in the Canadian rehabilitation system, at least that is what he will be working on. So it was no surprise that he was delighted to see our kindergarten children during the campus tour.

As a result of the discussion, the colleagues of András Pető Faculty offered their support to the minister regarding the promotion of Conductive Education to Canadian policymakers.

On Wednesday, Professor Jacob Yahav, the Chairman of the Board of Tsad Kadima – a long-time conductive pedagogy institution in Israel – was our guest. Professor Yahav first became acquainted with Conductive Pedagogy only a few years ago, but ever since he become convinced that it has a place among the official Israeli rehabilitation services. As many of the conductors at the Israeli institution got their education from the András Pető Faculty (Pető Institution) a strong relationship and good communication was established between the two institutions in the previous decades. On the basis of common history, the participants of the meeting were discussing opportunities to how to increase the relevance of Conductive Pedagogy in Israel, how to establish new cooperations with the involvement of Israeli universities and how to train a new generation of Israeli conductors.

During the campus tour, Professor Jahav expressed his admiration for the wide range of services offered by our institution.


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