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Semmelweis University’s András Pető Faculty was delighted to welcome a group of experts from the Israeli Tsad Kadima Institute for a 24-hour professional course held between March 6-9, 2024. The aim of the visit was to refresh the colleagues’ theoretical and practical knowledge of conductive pedagogy and to inspire them to carry on their amazing work in Israel.

During the program, Tsad Kadima staff members gained insight into the operation of the mother institution of conductive pedagogy. They visited the faculty’s various professional service areas, including the Conductive Pedagogical Primary School, the Conductive Pedagogical Vocational Secondary School, the András Pető Kindergarten and Specialized Conductive Pedagogical Service Center – the Early Childhood Development Center and the Adult Rehabilitation Center. During the visits, they could observe the practical implementation of the principles of conductive pedagogy in the care of clients of different ages and disabilities.

In addition to professional observations, Tsad Kadima and our faculty’s experts engaged in lively discussions on the professional background, methodology, and application of conductive pedagogy. Hungarian experts presented in detail the the structure and conduct of conductive sessions, and the effectiveness of the conductive approach in the development of children and adults with motor disabilities.

As many of the visiting Israeli colleagues were once completed their studies at our Faculty, this visit was also a tour to old memories and new discoveries. It was a wonderful moment when 3 colleagues of Tsad Kadima found the copies of their thesis in the library. Additionally, it was important for them to see what has changed at the András Pető Faculty since they have completed their studies. How much the infrastructure and tools have changed? How much conductive pedagogy itself has changed? The 24-hours course gave a detailed but inspirational answer to these questions – as Naomi Roten Dagan, leader of the Israeli delegation told us at the end of the program.

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