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As the academic year slowly ends for the students of the Conductor Ba programme at the off-site training center of Illyefalva, a delegation – led by Dr. Andrea Dr. Tenk Miklósné Zsebe, Dean of András Pető Faculty of the Semmelweis University – has arrived to supervise the final exams. This time they brought professional books and – with the help of Dr. Éva Feketéné Szabó, Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development – anniversary editions of university publications. 35 new copies of 10 different issues of coursebooks have been donated to the library of the Deacons and Christian Youth Foundation (KIDA) Center, the faculty’s associated partner in the off-site training.



Ms. Kató Ibolya, head of the KIDA center expressed the ongoing need for new and fresh printed books and study materials from the students despite the fact that all information is available online as well.

The András Pető Faculty of the Semmelweis University has started its off-site training in Illyefalva, Romania 6 years ago. The aim of the eduction programme – financised by the Hungarian Government – to train professional conductors in Transylvania who can help both adults and children with a predominantly movement impairment due to injury to the central nervous system. The first ever graduates received their diploma certificate in 2021 from Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector and Dr. Andrea Dr Tenk Miklósné Zsebe, Dean during the official graduation ceremony of the Semmelweis University.

The Conductor Ba programme is open for the academic year 2022/23 as well! Application deadline: 10th of August!

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