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As part of the Family Friendly University project of the Semmelweis University, the colleagues of the András Pető Faculty have organised a series of summer camps for the children of the colleagues of the university.


The programme started with great success and full houses both in the Elméleti Tömb Building, where a classic summer camp offers quality time for the kids and in the Villányi Building where an art focused camp helps the children to express themselves. In the groups of 18-25 children from the age between 6-14 the participants take part in many different and exciting programmes organized and executed by the conductors and teachers of the András Pető Faculty.

In the art camp – led by Zsuzsanna Vadász, conductor and art therapist – cooperation, the joy and freedoom of joint creation is a priority goal so the children create the illustration of jointly invented fairy tale. At the end of the camp, a storybook will be created from their work which will be presented to the parents. – said Dr. Andrea Dr. Tenk Miklósné Zsebe, Dean of the faculty who visited the camp to see the programmes.


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