The research activity of the Institute of Medical Microbiology recently includes mainly bacteriology.
Our Institute has different Researchgroups based on different topics:
Microbiome researchgroup: Semmelweis University and Lóránd Eötvös Research Network, Human Microbiota Study Group
- Introduction: This research group observes relations between changes of microbiome and spread of antibiotic resistance and the role of microbiome in development and progression of infective and non-infective diseases.
- Major fields:
- Alternative treatment options for C. difficile infections
- Relation between bladder carcinoma and microbiome
- Vascular wall microbiome composition
- Relation between Streptococcus agalactiae and human microbiome
- Acantholytic genodermatoses
- Probiotics affecting the progression of lichen sclerosus
- Alternative treatment options for C. difficile infections
- Major fields:
- Members:
- Dóra Szabó MD, PhD, Dsc
- Eszter Ostorházi, MD, PhD
- Judit Domokos, PhD
- Szabolcs Makai, PhD
- Zsuzsanna Dunai, PhD
- Máté Gugolya, Dr.Pharm
- János Juhász, PhD
- Nóra Makra
- Szilvia Kardos
- Éva Nemes-Nikodém
- Balázs Stercz
- Dávid Hummel
- Gábor Fekete
- Members:
Gram-negative resistance
Gram-negative resistance researchgroup
- Introduction: The research group conducts both basic research and epidemiological studies on antibiotic resistance.
- Major fields:
- Fluoroquinolone-, Beta-Lactame- and Colistin-resistance
- Gene expression analysis
- Genom sequencing
- Major fields:
- Members:
- Dóra Szabó, MD, PhD, Dsc
- Béla Kocsis, MD, PhD
- Béla Kádár, MD, PhD
- Judit Domokos, PhD
- Máté Gugolya, Dr.Pharm
- Dániel Gulyás, MD
- Members:
Gram-positive bacteria
Gram-positive bacterial researchgroup
- Introduction, major fields: The main interests of this research group are
Staphylococci and Streptococci, the members conduct epidemiological studies on antibiotic resistance, asymptomatic carriage, clonality and serotypes. Asymptomatic carriage of Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Neisseria meningitidis is also investigated. Antibacterial effects of synthesized peptides from MTA-ELTE Peptidkémiai Kutatócsoport is observed by this research group as well.
- Introduction, major fields: The main interests of this research group are
- Members:
- Orsolya Dobay, PhD
- Andrea Horváth, MD, PhD
- Judit Sahin-Tóth, DVM, PhD
- Annamária Huber, Dr.Pharm
- Members: