Digital Health Solutions in Medicine  (D.E.M.O.) Project

In our research, we are looking for answers to how doctors and patients use digital health tools, what the advantages and disadvantages of introducing and applying these technologies are, and how it all transforms the doctor-patient relationship. We examine the conditions required from the patient and provider side for the successful implementation of digital health solutions. We review digital health policy in an international context and see what could be adapted in the domestic conditions. By analyzing the communication in online patient groups, not only beliefs but also actions can be described. The results of our studies in this complex analytical framework can serve as a good starting point for the planning of medical training and in-service training, as well as for the development and implementation of the concept of digital transformation in certain areas of healthcare.

The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed the development, use, and diffusion of digital healthcare solutions at an incredible rate. One of our research objectives is to investigate the effects / transformative role of the coronavirus epidemic on the digitization of health care.

Our research objectives for the period 2020-2024

  1. Assess the digital health knowledge, skills, attitudes, and opportunities of Hungarian health professionals and medical residents.

 Learn how to use best practices in digital health in preventive work and chronic patient care.

 Assess what skills, competencies and previous experience are important a for the practical application of digital solutions.

Gather information on the potential role of digital health solutions in reducing inequalities in access to health care.

  1. Mapping the health care related knowledge, attitudes and expectations of medical students. Surveying medical students is particularly important, as they will be the doctors of the near future, so the information gathered from them and any interventions based on this can effectively promote the widest possible and desirable spread of digital health solutions.
  2. Assess the digital health related attitudes, needs, knowledge and understanding of the Hungarian population.
  3. Asses the digital health needs of chronically ill patient populations through social media content analysis.
  4. Learn about different countries’ best practices and digital transformation processes through the study of  international and national digital strategies and policy reports.
  5. Study in cooperation with the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service the digital health and telemedicine related attitudes of disadvantaged population and using the results as a foundation for a potential telemedicine program to help disadvantaged populations.