Tasks and Competences

  • see the tasks according to the university’s Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Code,
  • in accordance with the provisions of the SZMSZ, the formulation of provisions related to the performance and organization of specific tasks of the Committee if having any,
  • The Committee also has a decision-making role in consultation, organization and regulation.



Contact: Dean’s Office 459-1500/55635
Email: dekani@ekk.sote.hu

Last nameFirst
Basis of mandateType of mandateBeginning of the mandateEnd of
Mandate document
Dr. Gaál PéterFoglalkoztatott/ Employee/ Beschäftigte(r)Elnök/ Chairperson/ Vorsitzender2023-11-202026-11-19Megbízatási dokumentum/ Mandate document/ Mandatsdokument
Dr. SándorZoltánFoglalkoztatott/ Employee/ Beschäftigte(r)Tag/ Member/ Mitglied2023-11-202026-11-19Megbízatási dokumentum/ Mandate document/ Mandatsdokument
Magyar Dániel DávidHallgatói jogviszony/ Student status/ StudierendenrechtsverhältnisTag/ Member/ Mitglied2023-11-202026-11-19Megbízatási dokumentum/ Mandate document/ Mandatsdokument

Rules of Procedure

Annual Report