Institute of Behavioural Sciences TDK topics

Research topics for students in English language  Supervisor
Sleep oscillations in the human thalamus and cortex Dr. Róbert Bódizs
Consent to treatment – legal and ethical aspects Dr. Ágnes Dósa
Ethical and legal issues in death and dying Dr. Ágnes Dósa
Ethical and legal issues surrounding cardiopulmonary resuscitation Dr. Ágnes Dósa
Ethical and legal issues surrounding live organ donation Dr. Ágnes Dósa
Ethical and legal issues related to medical errors Dr. Ágnes Dósa
Ethical and legal issues related to medical errors in dental care Dr. Ágnes Dósa
Ethical and legal issues related to pharmaceutical errors Dr. Ágnes Dósa
Intercultural issues in healthcare Dr. Bence Döbrössy
Global poverty and health Dr. Bence Döbrössy
Social stratification and health Dr. Bence Döbrössy
Digital health policy Dr. Bence Döbrössy
Health and risk behavior Dr. Bence Döbrössy
Disparities in the health care system Dr. Edmond Girasek
Medical doctors’ career choice motivations Dr. Edmond Girasek
Digital impacts on the health care system Dr. Edmond Girasek
Medicine in the digital age Dr. Zsuzsa Győrffy
Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Programs Dr. János Kollár
Preventing burnout in medical students Dr. János Kollár
Music therapy in medicine Dr. János Kollár
Gamification in medical education Dr. János Kollár
Possibilities of applying virtual reality in medical education.  Dr. János Kollár
Ethical issues of psychiatry and psychotherapy Dr. József Kovács
The ethics of procreation Dr. László Nemes
Narrative medicine Dr. László Nemes
The problems of paternalism Dr. László Nemes
The ethics of bio- and medical technology   Dr. László Nemes
The contemporary legal and ethical issues of human reproduction: abortion, surrogacy in the 21st century Dr. Orsolya Péter
Legal issues in Bioethics (specific topic to be proposed by the student, subject to approval by the tutor) Dr. Orsolya Péter
The Contemporary Legal and Ethical Challenges of E-Medicine: Confidentiality in a Digitalised Era, Health Data Management, Distance Diagnostics, Liability Issues. Dr. Orsolya Péter
The Human Being in the 21st Century: CRISPR, “Super Kids”, Genetic Enhancement, Super Prostheses, Biohacking, Transhumanism, and the Law. Dr. Orsolya Péter
Competence and Capacity to Make Health Care Decisions: Incompetent Patients, Surrogate Decision Making, Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Dr. Orsolya Péter
Conflict management and culture Dr. György Purebl
Sleep and attention in children Dr. Orsolya Szalárdy
Temporal prediction and selective auditory attention Dr. Orsolya Szalárdy
Ethical issues of clinical applications of genetics Dr. Imre Szebik
Ethical issues of clinical research Dr. Imre Szebik
Ethical issues related to maternity care Dr. Imre Szebik
Psychological aspects of suicidal behaviour Dr. Mónika Tóth Ditta
IQ and later-life health Dr. Péter Ujma
Sleep, traits and daily events.  Dr. Péter Ujma
Ethische Fragen der klinischen Genetik Dr. Imre Szebik, Dozent
Ethische fragen der klinischen Versuche Dr. Imre Szebik, Dozent
Ethische Fragen der Geburtshilfe Dr. Imre Szebik, Dozent
Gesundheitskompetenzen (health literacy), Krankheitsbewältigung (coping) bei Patienten mit chronischen Krankheiten Dr. Virág Bognár, Adjunkt