Semmelweis International Students’ Conference 2019
EXTENDED Abstract submission DEADLINE: 10 Dec, 2018 8pm.
Each student who is interested in spreading the knowledge, exchanging experience and networking is welcomed by the Students’ Scientific Association of Semmelweis University in the Annual Scientific Student Conference. Presentations to be held at the Conference may maximally have two authors and two supervisors.
One student may be the first author of only one paper from the same department.
Ph.D. students may not be (co)authors of papers.
More information about the requirements for the submission of abstracts
The languages of the Conference are Hungarian, English and German.
The time limit for a presentation is 10 minutes that is followed by a 5-minute-long discussion. There is possibility for using a projector, with MS PowerPoint 2010.
The abstracts will undergo a preliminary review of a scientific committee led by the Secretary of Students’ Scientific Association. E-mail feedback will only be given to authors, whose abstract is REJECTED by the scientific committee. The title of all accepted abstracts will be uploaded only to the website after the decision.
Béla Merkely, MD, DSc
President of Research Students’ Association
Tamás Radovits, MD
Secretary of Research Students’ Association
Krisztina Káldi, MD
Vice-president of Research Students’ Association