General Information

General Information

If you have any questions, please contact our colleague at!

How does the Semmelweis Card work?

The Semmelweis Card is a virtual and requestable plastic card with a unique ID, QR code, and barcode that gives you access to the services of the Family Friendly University Program.

University citizens can use the card’s unique identifier to prove their eligibility for health and mental health services available within the program, as well as discounts and services in sports, culture, and other fields.

You will be notified by an e-mail arriving from upon activation of the virtual card after the end of the trial period. Students can also access their cards via e-mail during the first half of the semester.

In the registration e-mail, the user will find a link to activate the card on the Semmelweis Card web interface. Upon the first login, the system will ask for a four-digit PIN code. The application contains personal data, data management information, card regulations, and a list of discounts.

The card is valid until the date of termination of employment or student status.

Alumni of Semmelweis University can also apply for a Semmelweis Card. They will receive a burgundy card with the logo of the Alumni Board. You can begin the application process by clicking HERE.

If you have lost your Semmelweis Card, you must report it via this e-mail address,, where you can apply for a new card at the same time.

For further questions, please browse the Frequently Asked Questions or contact



Frequently asked questions

My trial period is over/I have been in education for months and I have not received my Semmelweis Card. What should I do?

If you qualify for a Semmelweis Card (i.e., you are an employee, student, or graduate), we will automatically create a virtual card for you and notify you by e-mail. Please check your mailbox first. It is possible that the original registration e-mail, which we send out from, has been lost in your inboxes. If you still cannot find the e-mail, please let us know at and we will get the process initiated.

How do I activate my card?

University staff and students will be notified via e-mail of the steps on how to activate their virtual card. You will find a link in the registration e-mail, click on it to activate your card, and enter the PIN code for future access. The application contains personal data, the privacy policy, the card terms and conditions, a list of discounts, and contact details.

From where can I download the mobile application for my card?

You can download the Semmelweis Card app to your mobile phone, so you always have your virtual card with you.

I would like a plastic card. How do I apply?

After activating your virtual card, you can request a plastic card by e-mailing Employees will receive a gold card, students a blue card, and alumni a burgundy card.

I used to have a student card, but I am now an employee of the University. Will I need a new card?

The student card will be inactivated at the termination of the student status, while upon the employment relationship, a new one will be issued automatically at the end of the trial period.

Are alumni eligible for a Semmelweis Card?

Alumni of Semmelweis University can also apply for a Semmelweis Card. You can start the application process HERE. If you are a former student and now an employee of the University, please apply for the employee card first. If you have not received an e-mail notification of card activation, please contact This is also important because the employee card allows you to benefit from a wider range of services and discounts.

I am a doctoral student; can I also apply for a Semmelweis Card?

Yes, if you are an active student at the University.

Can I get a Semmelweis Card during my trial period?

Under the current procedure, employees of the University can only receive a Semmelweis Card after the end of their trial period.

I have lost my Semmelweis Card, what should I do?

If you have lost your plastic card, you should report it to and request a new one. If you have forgotten the PIN code of your virtual card, you can request a new one at

I have a contractual relationship with Semmelweis University. Can I get a Semmelweis Card?

The Family Friendly University Program, and therefore the Semmelweis Card, is only available to staff, students, and alumni of the University. You cannot, therefore, receive a card in the case of a contractual relationship.

I have comments and suggestions regarding the Family Friendly University Program. Where can I send them?

Your comments and suggestions are welcome and can be sent to