Semmelweis University, Budapest proudly invites gastrointestinal endoscopists and trainees to a pioneer

Gastrointestinal “hands-on” endoscopy training on new-generation human cadavers

What is this about?

Human cadaver-based gastrointestinal (GI) models for GI endoscopy training mean a more realistic experience undoubtedly, when compared to virtual reality devices, and animal-based models. The sessions are continuously guided by expert GI tutors at our Interdisciplinary Cadaver Operating Room which was specifically designed to create an appropriate environment for such clinical situations.

Why haven’t we heard of such a training so far?

The high-quality preservation of the GI tract after death had been the key limiting factor to initiating cadaver-based training until our group of experts at the Department of Anatomy found a novel anatomical preservation (soft-embalming) technique.

Could this really mean a close-to real-life endoscopy experience?
Yes, as photos from our testing sessions demonstrate high-quality preservation of the mucosa:


For more information please visit:

  • our website via the QR code,
  • our poster presentation at the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Days 2024 congress via ….,  or
  • feel free to contact our team via email: