Dear Students,

Welcome to the website of the 2nd Department of Pediatrics. Thank you for your interest in our Department. We accept medical students from other universities to join our pediatric training. The following principles apply.

  • If you have no previous completed pediatric training element in your tuition before your planned practice at our department: you can join our fifth-year block education, either in the Hungarian or the English language program. These are four-week-long courses plus one week for the exam. Courses run from September to June at preset dates, and provide 8 am – 4 pm full time activities including lectures, ward practice and seminars, a full training we provide for our 5th year students. Your practice may be extended with weeks of ward and clinic attendance (what our 6th year students undertake, e.g. if your university expects you to have a longer training period to fulfill their pediatric subject requirements) but can’t be shortened.
  • If you already had some training in pediatrics, you can have a practice similar to sixth year students at our university. You will then be assigned to our tutors for a mixture of ward and outpatient clinic attendance covering various pediatric subspecialties. You can join us between August and February. Within this period, we are flexible on dates and the length of practice.
  • Please apply well ahead, this will make it more likely that we can accept and book you. Send your request at the very minimum one month before the planned start of your practice.



Within the ERASMUS program, the application should always be made through the ERASMUS office. For further questions and the exact application process, please visit our university’s website and contact the ERASMUS office.


E-mail address:



For other internships based on inter-university agreements or for individual applications, you should inquire at the email address below. You can ask for information regarding the fees via the same e-mail address.

E-mail adress:



Please find information about the latest regulations at the following link on the website of our university: This will cover regulations on testing required before entering the hospital or seeing patients. However, travel issues like entry to Hungary are regulated at government level.

If you have a question on COVID for which you did not find the answer for, you can write to the following email address: You can also call the information line (+36 20 825 0000) during working hours.



Dear Students, You can import the schedule of the term to you your Google Calendar from the following link: Or you can download it in .ical format: