TOPIC Innovative multimodal imaging techniques in dermatology VISION Improving the survival of skin tumors. MISSION Promoting the implementation of novel imaging techniques in clinical practice. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the efficacy of imaging modalities for the diagnosis of malignant melanoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Comparing the diagnostic accuracy of imaging techniques …

TOPIC The role of prevention and early interventions in autoinflammatory and venereal diseases VISION Prevent complications with prevention and early interventions in autoinflammatory and venereal diseases. MISSION Help the translation of pioneering therapeutic interventions into clinical practice. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the efficacy and safety of doxycycline pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis in preventing sexually …

TOPIC New insights into the application of teledermatology VISION The latest technological improvements should be implemented in patient care as soon as possible. MISSION Providing reliable data to facilitate the widespread use of teledermatology. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the diagnostic accuracy of teledermatology systems to face-to-face examination in the diagnosis of skin diseases: A …

TOPIC Management of itching: new insights in the treatment of urticaria and prurigo nodularis VISION Patients with prurigo nodularis could have a better quality of life. MISSION Optimizing the treatment of prurigo nodularis. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Comparing the safety and efficacy of biologics in prurigo nodularis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating …

TOPIC Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Cutaneous Melanoma VISION Improve the monitoring of skin diseases to increase patient survival and therapeutic efficacy. MISSION Identify the most effective serum biomarkers for disease monitoring. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the predictive value of different biomarkers for post-diagnostic events in malignant melanoma: a systematic review and …

TOPIC Clinicopathological evaluation of cutaneous lupus VISION Improve the quality of life of patients suffering from cutaneous lupus. MISSION Find more efficient therapeutic options for cutaneous lupus. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the efficacy and safety of different therapeutic options in cutaneous lupus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating the epidemiological background of …

TOPIC New approaches in the management of dermatological side effects caused by targeted oncological therapies VISION Patients treated with targeted oncology therapy could have a better quality of life. MISSION Finding new approaches to manage skin toxicity adverse events and providing patients with appropriate advice for skin care. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the efficacy …

TOPIC The management of vitiligo VISION Improve the quality of life of vitiligo patients. MISSION Enhancing vitiligo treatment by bridging basic science with clinical care. SPECIFIC GOALS PROJECT 1: Investigating the efficacy and safety of the use of JAK inhibitors in the treatment of vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PROJECT 2: Investigating the prevalence …

loránd eötvös university (elte) Number of meta-analyses: 1 Number of registries: 1 Project Description: I am a PhD student at the Central of Translational Medicine of Semmelweis University, and a lecturer at ELTE, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Statistics. My professional interests are data science, statistical learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing in …

Bajcsy-Zsilinszky hospital and clinic Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a first-year otorhinolaryngology resident at Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital. My field of interest is middle ear surgery, more specifically cholesteatoma staging systems. Currently, I am working on a meta-analysis of the validity of the EAONO/JOS cholesteatoma staging system. With these projects, we aim to help …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, Dep. of Dermatology Venerology and Dermatooncology Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a PhD student at the Department of Dermatology, Venerology, and Dermatooncology at Semmelweis University, in the meantime participating in the Translational Medicine PhD Program. My field of interest is dermatooncology, particularly the biology of melanoma. Currently, I am working …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, CENTRE FOR TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: I am a PhD student at the Department of Dermatology, Venerology, and Dermatooncology of Semmelweis University, participating in the Translational Medicine PhD Program. My broader field of interest is the pathomechanism of psoriasis, in particular the investigation of pathomechanical relationship between this autoimmune …

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Fanni is a Phd student at the Department of Dermatology, Venerology, and Dermatooncology of Semmelweis University, participating in the Translational Medicine PhD Program. Her main focus of interest is the application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment in the field of dermatology. Fanni is currently …

BAJCSY-ZSILINSZKY HOSPITAL, DEPARTMENT OF OTO- RHINO- LARYNGOLOGY AND HEAD- AND NECK SURGERY Number of meta-analyses: 2 Project Description: Kata is a PhD student at the Centre for Translational Medicine and part-time clinical doctor at the Department of Oto- Rhino- Laryngology and Head- and Neck Surgery in Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital. Her main interest is otology and middle …