Recent Semmelweis Symposia:

  Topic Organisers

2023 (31st)

Celebrating Excellence  Dr. Péter Ferdinandy,
Dr. Péter Hegyi

2022 (30th)

40th anniversary of International Medical Education at Semmelweis University Dr. Péter Ferdinandy

2021 (29th)

Excellence in Clinical Research and Innovation Dr. Péter Ferdinandy

2019 (28th)

Translational Medicine from Single Molecules to the Cardiovascular System Dr. Péter Ferdinandy

2018 (27th)

New approaches in personalized medicine: From prenatal testing to targeted tumor therapy Dr. Péter Lakatos
2017 (26th) Challenges in Microbiology Dr. Dóra Szabó
2016 (25th) Translational Oncohematology Dr. András Matolcsy 
Dr. Csaba Bödör
Dr. Judit Demeter
Dr. Tamás Masszi
2015 (24th) Molecular Oncology Dr. József Tímár
2014 (23rd) Trends in Pulmonology 2014. Dr. György Losonczy
2013 (22nd) Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets in inflammatory diseases Dr. Attila Mócsai, Dr. Edit Buzás, Dr. András Falus, Dr. György Nagy
2012 (21st) Principal Questions of Genomic Medicine: Prediction, Prevention and Personalized Treatment Dr. Mária Judit Molnár, Dr. György Bagdy, Dr. Dániel Bereczki, Dr. András Falus, Dr. Béla Merkely, Dr. Pál Soós, Dr. Zoltán Takáts
2011 (20th) Organ Transplantation Dr. Tivadar Tulassay, Dr. Róbert Langer, Dr. Attila Szabó
2010 (19th) Cellular Signaling in Physiology and Pathology – 2010 In honor of the 70th birthday of Professor András Spät Dr. László Hunyady, Dr. Tamás Balla, Dr. György Hajnóczky
2009 (18th) New Trends, Innovations and Technology in Urology Dr. Imre Romics
2008 (17th) Building bridges from basics to invasive cardiology Dr. Béla Merkely
2007 (16th) Molecular Gastroenterology, Cell Analysis, Array Technology Dr. Zsolt Tulassay, Dr. Béla Molnár