Full Name: Orsolya Szalárdy, PhD
E-mail: szalardy.orsolya@med.semmelweis-univ.hu
Date/Place of birth: 23.04.1986., Szeged, Hungary
Nationality: Hungarian
2009-2016 PhD in Psychology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Cognitive Science,
Thesis: Percept-inducing and percept-stabilizing cues of auditory stream segregation Supervisor: Prof. István Winkler
2011-2013 MSc in Agricultural Engineering, Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
2004-2009 MSc in Biological Science, University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics majoring in biology
Professional experience:
2018- Research fellow, Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Behavioural Sciences
2016- (part time from 2018-) Research fellow, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary;
2009-2016 Junior research fellow, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; (2012-2015 Parental leave)
Research interests:
State-dependent thalamo-cortical oscillations
Psychophysical and EEG correlates, and functional brain networks of auditory perception
Language skills:
Hungarian (native)
English (fluent)
Italian (elementary)
2010-2011 Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology, practice on General Psychology
2011 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Cognitive Science, lectures on Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
Peer-reviewed journals
Szalárdy O., Tóth B., Farkas D., Kovács A., Urbán G., Orosz G., Szabó B. T., Hunyadi L., Hajdu B., Winkler I. (2018). The effects of attention and task-relevance on the processing of syntactic violations during listening to two concurrent speech streams. Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-17. doi:10.3758/s13415-018-0614-4, IF: 3.263
Szalárdy, O., Bendixen, A., Bőhm, T. M., Davies, L. A., Denham, S. L., Winkler, I. (2014). The effects of rhythm and melody on auditory stream segregation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135: 1392-1405. doi: 10.1121/1.4865196, IF 1.503
Kocsis Zs., Winkler I., Szalárdy O., Bendixen A. (2014) Effects of multiple congruent cues on concurrent sound segregation during passive and active listening: An event-related potential (ERP) study. Biological Psychology, 100: 20-33. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2014.04.005, IF 3.403
Denham, S., Bőhm, T. M., Bendixen, A., Szalárdy, O., Kocsis, Z., Mill, R., Winkler, I. (2014). Stable individual characteristics in the perception of multiple embedded patterns in multistable auditory stimuli. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8:25. doi: 10.3389/fnins, IF 3.566
Szalárdy, O., Bőhm, T. M., Bendixen, A., Winkler, I. (2013). Event-related potential correlates of sound organization: early sensory and late cognitive effects. Biological Psychology, 93: 97-104. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.01.015, IF 3.473
Szalárdy, O., Bendixen, A., Tóth, D., Denham, S. L., Winkler, I. (2013). Modulation-frequency acts as a primary cue for auditory stream segregation. Learning & Perception, 5(2): 149-161. doi: 10.1556/LP.5.2013.Suppl2.9
Bendixen, A., Bőhm, T. M., Szalárdy, O., Mill, R., Denham, S. L., Winkler, I. (2013). Different roles of proximity and predictability in auditory stream segregation. Learning & Perception, 5(2): 37-54. doi: 10.1556/LP.5.2013.Suppl2.4
Szalárdy, O., Winkler, I., Schröger, E., Widmann, A., Bendixen, A. (2013). Foreground-background discrimination indicated by event-related brain potentials in a new auditory multistability paradigm. Psychophysiology, 50(12): 1239-1250. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12139, IF 3.18
Denham, S., Bendixen, A., Mill, R., Tóth, D., Wennekers, T., Coath, M., Bőhm, T., Szalárdy, O., Winkler, I. (2012). Characterising Switching Behaviour in Perceptual Multistability. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 210: 79-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2012.04.004, IF: 2.114
Full list of publications click here
Other scientific activity
Organizing the Auditory Cognition Summer School, 16-23 July, 2012, Plymout, UK
Supervising undergraduate students: AKI Kíváncsi Kémikus kutatótábor, 2018. július 1-7. MTA TTK, Budapest