Semmelweis University is a member of several international organisations that aim to share good practices and knowledge between higher education institutions, to think together about global challenges and to develop transnational education and mobility programs.
Association for Medical Education (AMEE)
AMEE is a worldwide organisation with members in 90 countries on five continents. Members include teachers, educators, researchers, administrators, curriculum developers, deans, assessors, students and trainees in medicine and the healthcare professions.
Working with other organisations, it supports teachers and institutions in their current educational activities, in curriculum development, teaching and learning methods, assessment techniques and educational management, in response to advances in medicine, changes in healthcare delivery, patient demands and new educational thinking and techniques.
Consortium of Institutes of Higher Education in Health Care and Rehabilitation in Europe (COHEHRE)

COHEHRE, established in 1990, is a non-profit organization bringing together students and academic staff from member higher education institutions across Europe. We are committed to promoting, developing and supporting interprofessional learning, teaching and research as well as improving collaborative practice and enhancing strategic management.
They are committed to promoting, developing and supporting interprofessional learning, teaching and research as well as improving collaborative practice and enhancing strategic management. The consortium provides networking opportunities, information sharing, the exchange of best practices and experiences.
Danube Rectors’ Conference (drc)

DRC coordinates the ideas and actions of its members through the exchange of information on issues of common interest and promotes cooperation on issues of common interest thereby contributing to the stability and the development of an open and democratic society in Europe,
Eurolife is a network of nine prestigious academic institutions and European centres with world-wide research excellence reputation in Biomedicine and Medicine across Europe.
It promotes and facilitates collaborative research, joint postgraduate training and education, the exchange of researchers and students and the building of joint research projects.
In 2020, the consortium was awarded the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership grant to realize DATAETHICS, a joint transnational project, which aims to update the conceptual and ethical considerations arising from Biomedical Big Data (BBD) collection and use.
European Health Management Association (EHMA)
EHMA is the only membership organisation in Europe to bring together health and hospital managers, healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, academia, policy and decision makers.
The organization plays a crucial role in engaging with the full ecosystem of European health management system and is open to those committed to improving health and healthcare.
EUA represents more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. It plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation.
It provides opportunities for members to share best practices by participating in projects, events and other mutual-learning activities involving a wide range of universities. The Association also provides members with unique opportunities to shape European policies and initiatives affecting higher education and research.
Hungarian Medical Association of America (HMAA)

The cooperation between Semmelweis University, the medical faculties of Debrecen, Pécs, Szeged, Budapest and the State University of New York, Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences was launched in the 1980s with the assistance of the HMAA. So far more than 300 Hungarian medical students have participated in internships in the United States. It is one of the oldest overseas mobility programs in Hungarian medical education and it offers 16 Hungarian medical students the opportunity to spend a 3-month internship in the United States each year.
In November 2015, Semmelweis University also signed the agreement extending the cooperation, which also gives students of dentistry the opportunity to join the program.
International Association of Universities (IAU)

IAU convenes and connects Members from more than 130 countries to identify, reflect and act on common priorities. It acts as the global voice of higher education to a wide range of international and inter-governmental organizations, in particular to UNESCO.
UNICA – Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe

UNICA has so far worked mainly on educational methodology and international mobility projects. CUrrently, 54 universities from 37 European capitals are members of the network, with Semmelweis University and Eötvös Loránd University representing Hungary .