The Directorate of International Relations at Semmelweis University aims to explore and establish new collaborative ties around the world to contribute to the fulfillment of the University’s mission in education, research and patient care.

- Takes part in the development of the University’s international strategy;
- Initiates the implementation of the University’s international strategy;
- Oversees international partnerships and collaborations;
- Organises diplomatic visits and agreements with international partners;
- Cooperates with professional international organizations;
- Participates in international accreditation procedures.
- Manages the University’s mobility and exchange programs (Erasmus+, Pannónia, Stipendium, Diaszpóra, Visegrád, CEEPUS, Makovecz);
- Coordinate bilateral fellowship programs and scholarships;
- Coordinates the University’s international short programs‘ portfolio;
- Contributes to the international promotional events and activities of the University;
- Contributes to extending the international Alumni community of the University;
- Provides support for the University’s fundraising activities.