
assistant professor

Telephone and university extension

06-1-459-1500 /56532




clinical psychologist, catholic faith teacher

Doctoral degree

Ph.D. in sociology, 2020, Semmelweis University

The Appearance of Spirituality in the Training and in the Professional Relations of Psychotherapists, and in their Cooperation with Spiritual Directors.

List of Publications 

Hungarian Scientific Bibliography 

Researchgate, ORCID

ORCID: 0000-0001-6405-1219 

Researcher ID: 2917856

Memberships and activities

Hungarian Chamber of Medicine

Professional and research interest

psychology of religion

assessment of mental health supporting relationships

Current research  

outcome effectiveness of mental health supporting relationships

Other professional interest


Main publications

Jáki, Zsuzsanna ; Tomcsányi, Teodóra ; Kiri, Edit ; Sallay, Viola ; Ittzés, András (2019): A spiritualitás megjelenése a pszichoterapeuták közötti szakmai kapcsolatokban – egy hazai kvalitatív kutatás eredményei [The appearance of spirituality in the professional relations of psychotherapists – outcomes of a Hungarian qualitative study] IN: PSZICHOTERÁPIA 28 : 2 pp. 106-116.,11 p. 

Jáki, Zsuzsanna; Ittzés, András; Kiri A., Edith ; Sallay, Viola; Kővári, Magdolna; Tomcsányi, Teodóra (2019): Hungarian psychotherapists’ experiences of the cooperation with spiritual directors and pastoral counselors.: A Qualitative Study IN: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH 14: 1 pp.78-108., 31p.

Tomcsányi, Teodóra; Sallay, Viola; Jáki, Zsuzsanna; Török, Péter; Szabó, Tünde; Ittzés, András; Csáky-
Pallavicini, Krisztina; Kiri, Edith A ; Horváth-Szabó, Katalin; Martos, Tamás et al. (2017) Spirituality in Psychotherapy. An Analysis of Hungarian Psychoterapists’ Experiences – A Grounded Theory Study. IN: ARCHIVE FOR THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION-ARCHIV FUR RELIGIONSPSYCHOLOGIE 39 : 3 pp. 235-262. , 28 p.

Jáki Zs, Tomcsányi T, Ittzés A. (2016): Spiritualitás, vallás és pszichoterapeuta képzés: mit, miért, hogyan? [Spirituality, religion and psychotherapeutic training: what, why, how?] In: PSZICHOTERÁPIA, 2016: 25 (4), 291-300.