Tomcsányi Teodóra


Professor Emerita

Telephone and university extesion

06-1-266-0878/ 56571



Clinical psychologist

Biology teacher

Mental health professional

psychoanalyst, group psychoanalyst, psychodrama psychotherapist (Moreno Institut Überlingen), trainer and supervisor in family therapy and psychodrama 

Doctoral degree

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, habilitation in Pedagogy

List of Publications  

 Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára

Researchgate, ORCID


Memberships and activities

Hungarian Psychodrama Association

Hungarian Family Therapy Association

Hungarian Association in Pastoral Psychology 

Professional and research interest

Mental Health in a historical and intercultural context

effectiveness of educational programs for adults

spiritualty and society 

Current research  

Spirituality among helping occupation

Other professional interest

psychotherapist and clinical psychologist

since 1987- founder, developer, and teacher at Institute of Mental Health

since 2001 – founder and supervisor at the doctoral school of the Institute of Mental Health

since 2006 – founder and editor in chief of the European Journal of Mental health 

Main publications