
senior research fellow


06 20 394 1587



University extension:

06-1-459-1500 / 56549




relaxation therapist (2019, MRSZE)

clinical health psychologist (2018, SZTE)

couples and family therapist (2016, MCSE)

parent-infant/young child consultant (2012, PPKE)

psychologist & high school teacher majoring in psychology (2000, ELTE)

Doctoral degree

psychology sciences (2008, ELTE)

List of Publications  

Hungarian Scientific Bibliography 

Researchgate, ORCID



Memberships and activities

Member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Department of Philosophy and History II) (2021-)

Member of the Hungarian Medical Association (2018-)

Member of the Hungarian Relaxation and Symbol Therapy Association (2015-)

Member of the World Association of Infant Mental Health (2013-)

Member of the Belgian Society of Psychologists (2012-2014)

Founder and Coordinator of the Brussels EGYBEN Group (a group of Hungarian helping professionals in Belgium) (2012-2014)

Member of the Hungarian Psychological Association (2000-)

Member of the Hungarian Family Therapy Association (1998-)

Professional and research interest

applied developmental theories, developmental psychopathology, parental & infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH), emotional and behavioural regulatory disorders in infancy and early childhood, transition to parenthood, early attachment and parent-child relationship, attachment-focused intervention methods, couples and family functioning, relationship traumas, early childhood intervention

Current research  

21st Century Infancy In Hungary – Individual, Family and Broader Environmental Factors in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health – An Exploratory Research (EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00007)


Latest publications

Koren, R., Woolley, S. R., Danis, I., Török, Sz. (2021). Training therapists in emotionally focused therapy: A longitudinal and cross‐sectional analysis. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, online: jmft.12495

Scheuring, N., Danis, I., Papp, E., Benedek, P., Németh, T., Gulácsi, Á., Szabó, L. (2021). Recognizing Early Regulation Disorders in Pediatric Care: The For Healthy Offspring Project. Medical Science Monitor, 27, e930214

Danis, I. (Szerk.) (2021). 21. századi babaszoba. Egyéni, családi és tágabb környezeti tényezők a kora gyermekkori lelki egészség hátterében – feltáró kutatás. Elméleti háttér, módszertan, társadalmi indokoltság. Semmelweis Egyetem EKK Mentálhigiéné Intézet, Budapest.

Danis , I., Bóné, V., Hegedüs, R., Pilinszki, A., Szabó, T., Dávid B. (2020). Infancy in 21st century Hungary – a project introduction. Policy, Theoretical and Methodological Framework and Objectives of the First National Representative Parent Survey on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health. European Journal of Mental Health, 15(2), 111-144.

Koren, R., Woolley, S. R., Danis, I., Török, S. (2020). Measuring the Effectiveness of the Emotionally Focused Therapy Externship Training in Hungary done through Translation. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 47(1), 166-182.

Danis, I., Németh, T., Prónay, B., Góczán-Szabó, I., Hédervári-Heller, É. (Szerk.) (2020). A kora gyermekkori lelki egészség támogatásának elmélete és gyakorlata I. Fejlődéselméletek és empirikus eredmények. Semmelweis Egyetem EKK Mentálhigiéné Intézet, Budapest.

Danis, I., Németh, T., Prónay, B., Góczán-Szabó, I., Hédervári-Heller, É. (Szerk.) (2020). A kora gyermekkori lelki egészség támogatásának elmélete és gyakorlata II. Módszerek, irányzatok, modellprogramok. Semmelweis Egyetem EKK Mentálhigiéné Intézet, Budapest.