







 1987-1993 MA Degree in Sociology, MA Degree in English Language and Literature, Eötvös Loránd University

Doctoral degree

2000 – Ph. D. degree in Sociology, Eötvös Loránd University;

List of Publications  

Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

Researchgate, ORCID

Orchid: 0000-0003-1372-7164,

Researchgate: Fruzsina_Albert

Memberships and activities


Hungarian Sociological Association 

Professional and research interest

social network analysis, family and friendship ties, social exclusion, gender, ageing

Current research  

The social impacts of the COVID epidemic;

Relationship structure  and relationship quality

Other professional interest

Country expert – Member of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion, from 2014 on the European Social Policy Network. Country coordinator

Main publications

Albert F, Koltai J, Dávid B (2021) The increasing importance of friends: Changes in core discussion network composition in post-communist Hungary between 1997 – 2015. Social Networks, Volume 66, pp. 139-145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2021.02.005

Albert F, Dávid B, Hajdu G, Huszti É (2020) Egocentric Contact Networks of Older Adults: Featuring Quantity, Strength and Function of Ties.  The Sociological Quarterly  DOI: 10.1080/00380253.2020.1787111

Albert F, Hajdu G (2020) Association between poverty indicators and social relations. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, vol xx, no xx, 1–23, DOI: 10.1332/175982720X15966472176159. IF 0,952, Q1

Albert F, Dávid B (2018) Interpersonal relationships in Hungary – an overview. Metszetek, 7(2):72-93. DOI 10.18392/metsz/2018/2/6
Kmetty Z, Tardos R, Albert F, Dávid B (2018) Mapping social milieus and cohesion patterns between 1997 and 2014.: Exploiting the potential of the occupational position generator SOCIAL NETWORKS 55:(10) pp. 116-129. 

Albert F, Dávid B, Kmetty Z, Kristóf L, Róbert P, Szabó A (2018) Mapping the Post-communist Class Structure: Findings from a New Multidimensional Hungarian Class Survey EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES pp. 1-22. 

Albert F, Dávid B (2016) Interpersonal Relationships in Hungary. In: Zhaoke Bin (Ed.) : Beyond the Transition: Social Change in China and Central-Eastern Europe. Social Science Academic Press. 139-160. (in Chinese)

Albert F (2015) Summary of the results . In: Albert F. (ed.) Életkeretek a börtönön innen és túl: Szubjektív reszocializációs esélyek (Life chances in and out of prison: subjective chances of reinsertion) Budapest: MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Szociológiai Intézet, 2015. 178 p. Szociológiai Tanulmányok; 2015/2.) (ISBN: 978-963-8302-47-2) 113-142.

Albert F, Tóth O (2013) Youth Drug and Crime Prevention Practices in Hungary as Reflected in the Opinions of Students and Professionals VARSTVOSLOVJE (ISSN: 1580-0253) 4: pp. 460-479.

Albert F, Dávid B. (2007) Embert barátjáról. A barátság szociológiája. (Birds of a feather. The sociology of friendship) Századvég. Budapest, p. 272

Albert F, Dávid B. (2001) Ha elszakad a háló. A magyarországi hajléktalanság kapcsolathálózati megközelítésben. (If the net breaks. Homelessness in Hungary from a network perspective). Új Mandátum kiadó, Budapest, p. 158