English name: Semmelweis University Faculty of Health and Public Services Institute of Mental Health |
Hungarian name: Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségügyi Közszolgálati Kar Mentálhigiéné Intézet |
Contact:Address: 1089 Budapest, 4, Nagyvárad tér. 19th floor (GPS coordinates: LAT: 47°28’45″N; LON: 19°5’30″E )PostalAddress: H-1428 Budapest, POBox 2Central phone number: +36 (1) 266-0878; +36 (1) 266-1022Fax: +36 (1) 214 5685E-mail: info.mental@semmelweis.hu |
The Institute is located right at the “Nagyvárad tér” station of Metro Line 3. Paid parking spaces are available in the parking lot of the university; parking is free of charge in the nearby streets.  |