The aim of the course is to acquire the physicochemical basics necessary for pharmaceutical knowledge. Knowledge of physical chemistry provides a solid foundation for understanding drug manufacturing processes and drug control methods as well as the behavior of drugs in the body.

Lecture topics/week:

1. Fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics I. (Typical temodynamic quantities, internal energy, entropy I, II main theorem)

2. Fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics II. (Theorem III, statistical interpretation of entropy, environmental effects, enthalpy, free energy, free enthalpy, direction of processes)

3. Physical properties and state changes of gases, liquids, solids (phase rule, gas laws, amorphous and crystalline materials, morphology, polymorphism)

4. Solutions and mixtures (free enthalpy, chemical potential, activity, ideal and non-ideal mixtures, solubility, solvation, hydration, solubilization, colligative properties)

5. Synthetic and biopolymers (prim., sec., tert., and quaternary structures, elasticity, solubility, fractionation, gelation)

6. Physical equilibria (phase equilibria, distribution, dissociation, partition coefficient)

7. Kinetics of homogeneous reactions (order, molecularity, rate equation, catalysis, inhibition, autocatalysis, kinetics of enzyme reactions)

8. Chemical equilibrium (equilibrium constant, simple and complex equilibria, ligand equilibria, cooperative equilibria)

9. Properties of electrolyte solutions (dissociation, acidity, alkalinity, colligative properties)

10. Kinetics of heterogeneous chemical reactions, basics of electrochemistry

11. Interfacial phenomena (adhesion, surface tension, wetting, adsorption, isotherms)

12. Transport phenomena I. (diffusion, transfer transport, membrane diffusion, osmosis, permeability)

13. Transport phenomena II (rheology, viscosity, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, flow profiles)

14. Heterogeneous processes (specific surface area, adsorption, desorption, dissolution kinetics, electrodes, kinetics of electrode reactions)