Article 46 [Thesis / Diploma work]

(5) Provisions concerning the formal requirements, length, submission and delivery of the thesis shall be determined by faculty regulations.

At the Faculty Medicine:

The minimum length of the thesis is 50,000 characters, the maximum length without spaces is 100,000 characters. The font used is Times New Roman, font size: 12. The length includes tables and bibliography, but not figures, footnotes and bibliography. The thesis must be submitted in a folder or bound, in 2 copies, and electronically to the teaching/research unit responsible for the course (pdf+docx). The student will receive a certificate of submission. The envelope must indicate the title of the thesis, the name of the student, the year and year group, the year of submission and the name and position of the supervisor. The student may, with the permission of the head of department, write the thesis in a language other than the language of his/her training and which is one of the languages of instruction of the University.

The completed thesis must be submitted to the teaching/ research unit responsible for the course, in a folder or bound, in two copies and electronically, by 15 January of the year of graduation at the latest.

The student must declare that in preparing the thesis he/she complies with the provisions of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright. The so-called “Plagiarism Declaration” must be submitted as an appendix to the thesis. Departments/clinics will only accept theses that include this declaration.


(6) The student may apply for a change of deadline for thesis submission once, for a maximum period of 2 weeks, by sending an application addressed to the Examination and Studies Committee of the faculty concerned, and submitting it at the Registrar’s Office. The Examination and Studies Committee of the faculty concerned will decide on the request, taking into account the recommendation of the relevant educational- research unit.

At the Faculty Medicine:

    The thesis may be submitted by 31 January, after prior consultation with the competent teaching-research unit, without special permission and without payment of a special procedure fee.

    In the event of postponement of the thesis deadline beyond 31 January, the following procedure shall apply:

  • The request must be submitted on the form ’Request Form for Diploma work Postponement’ accompanied by the opinion of the head of the relevant teaching/ research department. The application must then be handed in to the Registrar’s Office.
  • The request for postponement is subject to the payment of the required special procedure fee:
    • HUF 3,500

(7) The thesis / diploma work shall be submitted for review. The reviewer is invited by the head of the educational-research unit which published the topic. The reviewer shall be a lecturer with a degree in higher education, a researcher or an external professional. In bachelor program, the thesis supervisor may also be asked for review, in duly justified cases. The appointment (and number) of the reviewers is regulated by the rules of the faculty concerned.

In the Faculty of Medicine:

The number of examiners shall be at least two.

(8) The thesis supervisor and/or the consultant will evaluate the paper. The evaluation shall be sent to the candidate at least 5 days before the thesis/diploma work defense. The reviewer and the supervisor shall make a proposal for the evaluation (grade) of the thesis.

(9) Evaluation of the thesis or diploma work is given on a 5-point scale. When rating the thesis or diploma work, the rate of independent research shall be taken into consideration. Defense of the thesis is conducted in front of a 3-member board of the educational-research unit, or if the thesis defense is part of the final examination, the Final Examination Board, the chair of which is the head of the educational-research unit or a university or college professor, or an associate professor appointed by the head of the educational-research unit. The members of the committee are two lecturers of the department, one of which may be the reviewer. The committee may also appoint a third member, who may be an external lecturer selected mainly from the private lecturers of the university.

(10) The review shall be made in two copies by filling in a form (thesis/diploma work registration and evaluation form). The evaluation includes the review as well as the recommended grade. Students shall be informed about the evaluation by sending out the second copy of the thesis registration and evaluation form prior to the final examination, at least 5 workdays before the thesis/diploma work defense.

(11) The reviewer shall pose 2−5 questions on the thesis registration and evaluation form in the topic of the thesis/diploma work. The defense of the thesis/diploma work is its presentation by the student, to the extent required by the committee, the answers to the questions previously set in the form, and to any additional questions by the board.

(12) A thesis/diploma work not submitted for examination shall be marked as “unsatisfactory”. The grade of the thesis/diploma work submitted for examination shall be determined by the committee referred to in paragraph (9), on the basis of the recommendation of the reviewers and the performance of the candidate during the examination.

(13) If there is one reviewer and the evaluation is “unsatisfactory” (constituting a fail), the head of the educational-research unit shall either authorize the grade, or appoint a new reviewer. In the case of two reviewers, if only one reviewer gives an “unsatisfactory” evaluation, the head of the educational-research unit shall appoint a new reviewer.

(14) In a case of an “unsatisfactory” evaluation, the head of the educational-research unit notifies the student and informs them about the conditions of revision or supplementation. The thesis/diploma work evaluated as “unsatisfactory” may only be revised or supplemented once.

(15) The final examination after the revision or supplementation of a thesis/diploma work can be taken only in the subsequent final examination period by students:

  1. who did not submit their thesis/diploma work by the deadline;
  2. whose thesis/diploma work was evaluated by the reviewer as “unsatisfactory” with the approval of the head of the educational-research unit,
  3. whose thesis/diploma work was evaluated as “unsatisfactory” by the newly appointed reviewer according to paragraph (13).

(16) The conditions for revision or supplementation of an “unsatisfactory” thesis/diploma work are set by the head of the relevant educational-research unit, and it may include a request for further consultations if necessary.

(17) The original copy of the thesis/diploma work evaluation report shall be sent to the Registrar’s Office of the relevant faculty, and a copy of the evaluation report remains with the educational-research unit.

(18) Award-winning papers in the Rector’s Award Competition may be accepted by the Dean as a thesis evaluated with an “excellent” grade, following the recommendation of the head of the educational-research unit, if the student requests so in an application previously submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

(19) The papers of finalist students in the Rector’s Award Competition in long-cycle programs may be accepted by the Dean as a thesis evaluated with an “excellent” grade, following the recommendation of the head of the educational-research unit, if the student requests so in an application previously submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

(20) A scientific paper published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal within the framework of studies – or accepted for publication by an editorial board – where the student is a first author may be accepted as a thesis by the Dean, in which case the evaluation shall be carried out according to the general rules.

(21) An application to recognize such papers as a thesis/diploma work as defined in paragraphs (18) to (21) shall be submitted to the relevant Registrar’s Office within two weeks of the announcement of the Rector’s Award. An application to recognize a paper published as first author in a peer-reviewed scientific journal or accepted for publication by an editorial board as a thesis shall be submitted two weeks before the thesis/diploma work submission deadline.

(22) Exemption from the obligation to write the thesis does not exempt students from the obligation to defend it.
