Introduction to Patient Care

Credits: 2

Total number of hours: 35; lectures: 7; practices: 27; seminars: 1

Type of the course (mandatory/elective): mandatory

Academic year: 2024/2025 (spring semester, 1st year)

Code of the course1: AOKCSA1138_1A

Course director (tutor): Professor Peter Torzsa M.D., Ph.D.
Position: Head of Department
Date of habilitation and reference number: 11/2020


Tutor: Adam Becze, MD;

Aim of the subject and its place in the curriculum: An overview of medical profession. Formation of the consciousness of profession, personal careers. The attitude of the medical doctor. Communication with colleagues and the members of the medical staff. An overview of different levels of health care. The organization, function activity of the clinical department and the general medical practice in primary care. Characteristics of the clinical work. Overview of the scientific activity of the Semmelweis clinical departments, raising interest on joining it.

Location of the course (lecture hall, practice room, etc.):

NET Nagyvárad tér BROWN lecture hall, GP practices, clinics and various departments of the University – Groups’ schedule will be sent via Neptun

Competencies gained upon the successful completion of the subject:

• Introduction to medical interviewing, anamnesis taking and basic communication techniques
• Introduction to the physical examination
• Learning basic investigation techniques
• Learning the basic skills of the physical examination
• Introduction to hand disinfection and blood taking

Prerequisite(s) for admission to the subject: 0

Minimum and maximum number of students registering for the course: max. 18 students/group

Student selection method in case of oversubscription: 

How to register for the course: Registration for the course in the ’Neptun’ system, MOODLE will import them automatically

Detailed thematic of the course2:

Detailed topic of the subject:

1st-4th weeks: Family medicine, psychiatry, paediatrics, cardiology, surgery and obstetrics-gynaecology lectures

5-12th weeks: 8 practicals: internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, family medicine, cardiology, neurology, neurosurgery, transplantation medicine, medical rehabilitation, ORL, clinical genetics according to the certain Group’s own schedule.

Skills Labs: one (1) session of Nursing skills is available for each student – Skill Labs are organized by the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Location: SIM Centre – Ernő u. 
!!Individual application and details on MOODLE!!

Week 13-14: Makeup classes, Exam: Essay, see below.

Potential overlap(s) with other subjects: – (Skill Labs may)

Special training activities required3: –

Policy regarding the attendance and making up absences: It’s compulsory for the student to attend 75 percent of the training sessions, but if needed students can join another training group to be able to meet this requirement if they missed some of the training sessions in their original group. Lectures (4 occasion) are compulsory, 1 can be missed – AND 2 of the 8+1 practicals can remain missed without a makeup. Makeup classes are on the 13-14th week.

Means of assessing the students’ progress during the semester4:

Requirement for acknowledging the semester (signature): It’s compulsory for the student to attend at least 75 percent of the training sessions. The signed&stamped Attendance sheet must be attached as proof, please upload it on Moodle along with the essay.

Type of the examination: Essay

Exam requirements5: Essay, typed, 1400 characters as the minimum length WITHOUT spaces, font size 12, single spacing. A report of experiences of the students’ (lectures and practices) about medical profession with short case stories, personal situations. What kind of medical profession was/is attractive for you, why?

Deadline for handing in the essay is the end of 14th week (18th May) on MOODLE.

Type and method of grading6:

Grade 1: Exam deadline missed, number of characters < 1400,
Grade 2: no personal example or experience at all
Grade 3: just 1 personal example, too general drafting, without personal experience
Grade 4: minor technical mistakes
Grade 5: precise writing, at least 2 personal examples

How to register for the exam: – (Course mark on essay.)

Opportunities to retake the exam: In accordance with the Studies and Exams Code (one attempt, if needed)