AOVCSA249_1A: Introduction to Clinical Medicine

Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine

Name(s) of the Institute(s) teaching the subject: Department of Family Medicine ans several other units, see themes below

Name of the subject: Introduction to Clinical Medicine

Credits: 2

Total number of hours: 30       lectures: 12 (6*2)     practices: 18 (6*3)       seminars: –

Type of the course (mandatory/elective): mandatory

Academic year: 2023/2024 (fall semester, 2nd year)

Code of the course1: AOVCSA249_1A

Course director: Professor Peter Torzsa M.D., Ph.D.

Contact details: H- 1085 Budapest, Stáhly u. 7-9. Phone: +36-1-355-8530


Position: Head of Department

Date and number of Habilitation: 11/2020

Tutor: Adam Becze, M.D. –

Aim of the subject and its place in the curriculum:

Presenting patients. Case reports. Referral of patients.

The medical consultation. Communication with the patient and his/her relatives. Effective cooperation with patients. Means to improve compliance.

Differential diagnostics. Using basic diagnostic means and tools and assessing test results.

Most frequent diseases in the clinical department and the general practitioner’s office. Care of frequent chronic illnesses.

Preventive approach, screening procedures. The importance of prevention.

Holistic patient care, managing complex bio-psycho-social-health problems

Development of professional consciousness. Teamwork in medicine.

Overview of the research activity at the clinical department. Raising interest in participating.

Location of the course (lecture hall, practice room, etc.):

Lecture hall, family practices, University clinics

Competencies gained upon the successful completion of the subject:

Prerequisite(s) for admission to the subject: Following completion of the Introduction to Patient Care program in 1st year 2nd semester.

Minimum and maximum number of students registering for the course: Maximum 18 students/group.

Student selection method in case of oversubscription: – 

How to register for the course: 
Registration for the course in the ’Neptun’ system

Detailed thematic of the course2:

1-6th week (6 lectures): internal medicine, public health, dermatology, orthopedics, pulmonology and neurology lectures

7-12th week (6 practical sessions): family medicine, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, family medicine, orthopedics, traumatology, cardiology, dermatology, urology, pulmonology, neurology and public health practicals according to the attendance sheet

Week 13-14: Homework/Exam: Essay, upload on MOODLE platform

Potential overlap(s) with other subjects: –

Special training activities required3: – (Completed attendance sheet.)

Policy regarding the attendance and making up absences: 1 absence is tolerated. It’s compulsory for the student to attend 75 percent of the training sessions. If needed, the student can join on week 13 another training group to meet this requirement, please contact with the Department in that case (e-mail).

Means of assessing the students’ progress during the semester4: –

Requirement for acknowledging the semester (signature): It’s compulsory for students to attend at least 75 percent of the training sessions.

Type of the examination: written, essay

Exam requirements5: Short case study (essay, typed, at least 2000 characters without spaces, font size 12) of a specific patient chosen from any practice. Add your own opinion and experiences about contacting the patient, about the case.

Recommended form of a case study: Patient’s personal data is not required, please use monograms, or fake names.
Age, gender, social background (family, student/job/retired).
Anamnesis – previous surgeries, hospital cares, chronic diseases.
Current complaints, signs of illness.
Diagnostic tests, methods done and/or planned.
Diagnosis or illness(es) considered.
Basic/short plan of further patient care – e.g. medication, surgery, other therapies, followup
+REFLECTION: Personal opinion about the patient as a person and as a medical case!

Deadline for uploading the essay is the end of 14th week of semester on MOODLE platform, available from 10th semester week.

Type and method of grading6:

Grading is based on the essay according to the following criteria:

Grade 1: failing to hand in the essay on deadline, the number of characters is under 2000, the case study is not original, but plagiarism; absence of a certain case study

Grade 2: there is a proper case study, but formal requirements missed

Grade 3: case study with too general drafting, without any personal experience

Grade 4: a proper case study with 1-2 not too significant professional or formal mistake

Grade 5: proper case study with precise and accurate wording, personal opinion about the patient’s case

How to register for the exam:  

Opportunities to retake the exam: In accordance with the Studies and Exams Code Rules (You can re-write the essay once.)

Literature, i.e. printed, electronic and online notes, textbooks, tutorials (URL for online material): see on the subject’s MOODLE platform