English Tutor: Dr. Katalin Keltai
E-mail: keltai.katalin@semmelweis.hu

Educational Coordinator: Incze Olivérné (Marcsi)
Office: Building G, ground floor
E-mail: incze.oliver.antalne@semmelweis.hu

Educational Administrator: Ágnes Csűrös
Office: Secretariat, Building B, ½ floor
E-mail: csuros.agnes@semmelweis.hu
Phone: +36 1 375-4364

At the Department, we teach internal medicine to third, fifth and sixth year students of the Faculty of Medicine and fourth year students of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Please contact the Section of Infectology at St. László Hospital (Dr. Gergely Kriván, Júlia Nagy) in matters related to the final year INFECTOLOGY course: infectology.hun@gmail.com

The updated educational material can be found in Moodle system.