Lecture files can be found at the Moodle site.

Educational material on Moodle (password for self-enrollment can be learned from the teachers)

Course director:

  • EM I-II., ED I-II.: Dr. Andrea D. Székely

EM Macro

EM Micro

ED Macro

ED Micro


Neptun-Code: GYKANT272E1A

Tutor (Course director): Dr. Alán Alpár professor
Coordinator: Dr. Katalin Kocsis assistant professor

Moodle site of the subject


Elect. cours.


Elective courses:


Developmental Biology II. (Principles of regenerative medicine)

Director of course: Nándor Nagy, PhD
Code: AOVANT834_2A Credit points: 2 Type of course: elective


Moodle site of the subject

  • Schedule-
  • Requirements – Developmental Biology


Introduction to Clinical Anatomy

Moodle site of the subject

  • Course schedule
  • Topic list


Anatomic dissection in the practice

  • EM – Requirements
  • ED – Requirements